| - Benedict Valda was one of the Regents of the Warehouse. He might be categorized as the Regents' "attack dog", as he spearheaded the inquisition of Artie and was a seemingly constant critic of the Warehouse's agents and, to a lesser extent, even its Caretaker. That having been said, his gambit in Warehouse 2, along with several other instances in his various appearances, makes clear his total commitment to the Warehouses and their vital role.
| - Benedict Valda was one of the Regents of the Warehouse. He might be categorized as the Regents' "attack dog", as he spearheaded the inquisition of Artie and was a seemingly constant critic of the Warehouse's agents and, to a lesser extent, even its Caretaker. That having been said, his gambit in Warehouse 2, along with several other instances in his various appearances, makes clear his total commitment to the Warehouses and their vital role. Benedict Valda was the regents' expert on Warehouse Two and led agents Peter Lattimer, Myka Bering, and H. G. Wells through it until his death in an act of self-sacrifice, a choice which made it possible for the others to continue and complete the mission, thereby saving both Warehouse 13 and, by extension, Mrs. Frederic. If any significance may be imputed to his naming, then he is "well said" or "well spoken", a blessing in fact (Benedict, derived from the Latin bene, being interpreted, "good", and dictio, the perfect past participle of dico ["speak"], being interpreted, "speech", although the word itself means "blessing" or "blessed", as in "benediction", being a blessing originally delivered by speech, but then expanded by means of metonymy to blessing in general, such as the Catholic "Apostolic Benediction", given by the Pope to certain individuals and colleagues in the Episcopacy), implying that his views should be taken into serious consideration. Along with Mr. Kosan, he seems to be a figure to whom most of the other Regents "naturally" defer, although he and Jane Lattimer are never seen together.