| - Riela: ... 45: Her fever's not going down. The medicines are totally not having an effect at all. 45: I've used all the medical knowledge that I have.. Kurt: Valerie, do you know what's causing it? Valerie: It doesn't seem to be an illness, I believe this to be the cause of overusing that power and it's causing a strain on her body. I do not have any clue as to how to treat it. 3: They say Valkyrur are a race of people, but calling them human is undescriptive of the superhuman abilities they possess. Annika: Is Riela really.. 56: She wasn't a normal girl after all. 21: It doesn't matter what she is! Riela is that same Riela! She's our friend! Amy: Other than giving her a quiet place to rest, I don't know what else we can do. Leila: For a girl that's only got her chirpiness as her upside, she's become really weak now.. Alfons: You're actually worried? Leila: Even I know we wouldn't have made it without Riela. Leila: And the dilemmas she faced in order to force her to use those powers. Amy: Leila.. Leila: Riela knew this would happen if she used her powers. She probably thought it was going to worse, even. Leila: Look at her carefully, this face. Riela: .. Leila: She's not sick, and there isn't a scratch on her. Yet she's teethering on death. Leila: She's put her life on the line for us.. Leila: Riela, I acknowledge you as the first person that needs no education from me. Giulio: We've been saved by Riela's decision.. Leila: Kurt, I won't forgive you if you allow her to die. Think of a way to save her now. Kurt: You don't have to tell me. 21: Our way is south. So we look for villages along the path to Yuell? Kurt: That's right. Whatever happens, we need to find a place for Riela to get proper rest. Kurt: It's our turn to save Riela now. Leila: Yeah. Alfons: What about Imca? We have to look after her too. Kurt: Imca needs time. She'll get by by herself, I'm sure of it. Crowe: A rare guest. Varrot: Pleased to meet you. I am from the 3rd Company militia.. Crowe: Captain Elenor Varrot, what business brings you to intelligence? Varrot: ..it's regarding the 422s. I've heard news that they were disposed off with charges of treason.. Crowe: You've heard some wild things. Crowe: You know how sad I'll be if the pretty girl got herself executed by some proofless suspicion? Varrot: I'm only here to ask for the truth of the matter. Please answer the question. Crowe: You understand what I'm saying if I were to tell you that I'm going into house arrest in a matter of moments? Varrot: House arrest..? Crowe: As their superior, it seems I won't be able to get out of this unscathed. Varrot: Is that what's happening.. Crowe: And you too. Better not screw up. Crowe: Just be wary of the fleas on the back of the lions. Varrot: The fleas on the back of a..? That is to say, something in the army is.. Crowe: There's something else important that you should hear about. Varrot: Yes, I'm listening. Crowe: Busy, tonight? Varrot: ..In a time of war no soldier ever has any time. You will have to excuse me. Crowe: Failed huh, a bookworm's face is such a nice treat to look at at night too.. Isler: How can it be! What could be the chances that the Nameless could actually get away..! Isler: I must dispatch proper pursuit and get rid of them once and for all! Isler: ..but, to think the Nameless have a Valkyrur with them, this is going to be trouble.. Isler: I'm going to need his help to devise a proper plan for this mess. Crowe: Oh, my lovely home, though it's not going to do me any good if I spent too much time in my memories of this place. Soldier: .. Soldier 2: .. Crowe: What did I do to earn such sullen roommates. If they have to keep guards here to keep me in, the least they could do was send girls over, right? Soldier: .. Soldier 2: .. Crowe: (Well, what now? I better have a plan for this..)