| - Twone’s service record is incomplete, but it is known that he saw action on some of the toughest battlefields of the Clone Wars, including Dantooine, Bal’demnic, and Drongar. He was wounded in action no less than seventeen times, earned two Chancellor’s Service medals, three Republic service medals and numerous other accolades. His particular specialty was close-range combat and he was known to wield an energy multiblaster shotgun on Drongar and Bal’demnic. His psychological profile indicates that he preferred action to inaction, in order to help him forget about the horrors of war he had experienced.
| - Twone’s service record is incomplete, but it is known that he saw action on some of the toughest battlefields of the Clone Wars, including Dantooine, Bal’demnic, and Drongar. He was wounded in action no less than seventeen times, earned two Chancellor’s Service medals, three Republic service medals and numerous other accolades. His particular specialty was close-range combat and he was known to wield an energy multiblaster shotgun on Drongar and Bal’demnic. His psychological profile indicates that he preferred action to inaction, in order to help him forget about the horrors of war he had experienced. However, at the end of the war, Twone retired from what had become Imperial service, tiring of the incessant carnage; though it is also suspected that peacetime might have been too boring for the restless soldier. Teaming up with another ARC retiree, Alpha-28 “Spectre”, Twone and Spectre started their civilian lives on Boz Pity, but Twone soon acquired them employment as private security guards on Commenor. Due to their similar backgrounds, the two became good friends and their partnership eased their transition from the regimented nature of military life to the dynamic flow of civilian living. As employees of Durashield Securities, Twone and Spectre were assigned along with the head of the company, Bwilor, and Drelve Tlaleo, his Tunroth companion, to provide protection for the Kraen family on Commenor. The Kraens had come under attack by Mistryl attack and the family had hired Durashield to fend off the marauders. Working with planetary law enforcement, the Kraens and their guards were moved to a safe house. Furthermore, Twone and Spectre received clone commando armor from one of the Kraens, granting them an advantage over the Mistryl. However, the Mistryl eventually located the safe house and attacked in the middle of the night. Twone was on duty and managed to sound the alarm even after being injured, but while the Mistryl attack ultimately failed thanks to his efforts, Twone expired from his injuries. He was buried with full military honors on Commenor in the Veterans Final Resting Place, Clone Wars segment, but efforts to exhume his remains were unsuccessful; galactic turmoil had apparently launched the last remnant of Alpha-21 into final oblivion.