| - Of all the L-Block matches this contest, this one was the most predictable. I'm looking at the Oracle picks now, and I don't understand the huge gap between Kirby and L-Block there. What this match did show is how insane L-Block's early vote is. Within 2 hours, L-Block built up a lead of nearly 1000 on Kratos and all but guaranteed making second place. Yes, Kratos. Had Donkey Kong not been in this poll, history may never have happened in this contest. DK clearly LFFd Kirby here, and screwed him out of advancing in this contest. This was the first of many times L-Block would actually eliminate someone relevant, but he was the benefit of LFF on top of his own strength. It was a lot like how Tidus screwed Vivi out of beating Pikachu this round. But in the long run, Kirby would get the last laugh. Just go look at the 2008 bracket. As for that 1000 lead on Kratos L-Block built up? Kratos got it down to 300 overnight, then with the morning vote he just went nuts. This had people thinking (hoping) L-Block was an early joke vote powerhouse and little else, and that he wouldn't get much farther in this contest. "Whoops" And just think, replace DK with a mid-tier Square or Capcom character and L-Block never wins this contest. He didn't yet have the football-like momentum to beat Kirby on his own here.