Tropes about series and sequels, and their quality and trends. This is specifically designed to look at the series as a whole and its progression, rather than individual episodes or entries. See also Sequel.
Tropes about series and sequels, and their quality and trends. This is specifically designed to look at the series as a whole and its progression, rather than individual episodes or entries. See also Sequel.
* Ascended Fridge Horror
* Cerebus Rollercoaster
* Early Installment Weirdness
* Ensemble Cast
* Going Cosmic
* Growing the Beard
* Gut Punch
* Jumping the Shark
* Kudzu Plot
* Meet Your Early Installment Weirdness
* Non-Indicative First Episode
* Oddball in The Series
* Outgrow the Trope
* Recurring Element
* Rotating Protagonist
* Sequel First
* Sequel Series
* Story Arc
* Switching POV
* Tone Shift
* Bloodier and Gorier
* Cerebus Syndrome
* Darker and Edgier
* Hotter and Sexier
* Lighter and Softer
* Reverse Cerebus Syndrome
* Younger and Hipper
* Denser and Wackier
* Thematic Series
* Wham! Episode