| - A classification system is a system with a distribution of classes created according to common relations or affinities.
- The classification system was created by the military in the vain hopes of keeping a mark on the power of manifesters. It ranges from Class X to F, showing a manifester's control and strength. It also deals with how dangerous you are to the human populace.
- Every agent in the Creatures series is classified within a hierarchy of types, which tells the engine what kind of object it is. The hierarchy includes three levels, family genus and species. For example, the spinning top is classified in the simple object family, in the toy genus, and it is the first species in that genus. Lists of known C1 class numbers and C3/DS class numbers are maintained in addition to the overview below.
| - A classification system is a system with a distribution of classes created according to common relations or affinities.
- The classification system was created by the military in the vain hopes of keeping a mark on the power of manifesters. It ranges from Class X to F, showing a manifester's control and strength. It also deals with how dangerous you are to the human populace.
- Every agent in the Creatures series is classified within a hierarchy of types, which tells the engine what kind of object it is. The hierarchy includes three levels, family genus and species. For example, the spinning top is classified in the simple object family, in the toy genus, and it is the first species in that genus. Creatures only recognize broad categories, which correspond to the genus level, and cannot distinguish between objects beyond that level. This can be useful in terms of vocabulary and behaviour learning, as Creatures can learn one word and behaviour for a particular 'toy', and it will extend to all others (so that if it's nice to activate the ball, it's also nice to do it to the spinning top). Steve Grand initially saw this as 'cheating' when he made the first Creatures game, preferring a model in which Creatures learnt to generalise more naturally, but limitations of programming power and time have meant that this system has been used throughout the series. The class number is the family, genus and species written together: for example 2 13 1 is the class number for the spinning top, and 2 6 65 is the class number for the Breaded Hatchling Norn. Agents with exactly the same class number generally behave identically due to sharing scripts. In all Creatures games, family and genus range from 1 to 255. In C1, species has a maximum of 255, and in C2 and CEE-based games, species has a maximum of 65535. Numbers over the maximum wrap around (so species 268 in C1 is equivalent to 12). 0 in any part of the classifier acts as a wildcard (see ENUM, for instance). Lists of known C1 class numbers and C3/DS class numbers are maintained in addition to the overview below.