| - Smithing is a skill used to repair and/or strengthen metallic items. It is possibly the most complicated skill in ADOM, due to the number of ingredients it requires to use; nonetheless, it can be very useful if it is used correctly.
- The current minimum requirement to be ranked (at approximately rank ) on the hiscores for Smithing is level . As of , there are current members that have achieved level 99 in Smithing. There are current members that have achieved level 120 in Smithing.
- Members-only items on this page are written in italics. File:Audio options icon.png Smithing level-up music (link) The music that plays when levelled up.
- Smiths have the ability to work common metals, principally iron and steel, and can prepare metal in a furnace using scrap or refined ingots. Under normal circumstances, a smith would not refine metal from ore, although this can be attempted at the gamesmaster's discretion. Smiths can prepare or mend useable, workmanlike articles of everyday use: horse shoes, nails, railings, cauldrons, etc. They can also produce or repair useable weapons and shields. A character with this skill has a +10% modifier to all Construct tests for a suitable metal products.
- In Smithing, ores are refined into bars within Furnaces around Soulsplit. The Clay Forge located at South Neitiznot is the most popular location to smelt ores. Once bars are acquired, players can use them on Anvils (with a Hammer in your inventory) to create various armour and weapons.
- Smithing is a skill that can be trained at WC, accessed from the emotes tab. To train smithing, you must use ores on the furnace found to the south of the houses at WC. This makes them into corresponding metal bars. Ores can also be mined in one of the houses here which can then be used to smith.
- Smithing can be done at Endarx. Smithing is used to smelt ore into bars, which in turn is used to make armour, tools and weapons. As your smithing level increases you will be able to smelt better bars and make better items. Smithing is linked strongly to most other skills, without it many tasks that need items would be impossible to perform.
- Smithing is a useful Tradeskill that allows players to create a large variety of metal goods. Useful for most tradeskills.
- File:Risen logo 104.png __TOC__ Smithing is a great skill to have for any class especially melee fighters. It allows player to craft powerful artifacts and swords. It can be a good source of money as well.
- this skill let you make armor at rank 9 or higher to make harder armor
- Kowalstwo (ang.Smithing) jest to zdolność odpowiadająca za wykuwanie broni, zbroi itp. Aby zrobić trzeba mieć przynajmniej o 1 level większy Mining. Aby zrobić broń trzeba mieć sztabki, które można zrobić z wykopanych minerałów. Im większy poziom Kowalstwa tym więcej możemy zrobić przedmiotów. Kowalstwo doskonale nadaje się do zarabiania pieniędzy (dopiero od 40 Levelu). Na tym skilu można bardzo zaoszczędzić.To lepsze niż kupowanie broni kosztującej nawet do 40.000k.
- left Smithing, in het Nederlands Smeden, is een non-member skill waarmee spelers allerlei metalen voorwerpen kunnen maken. De Mining skill is erg belangrijk voor Smithing, omdat alle grondstoffen voor Smithing, de ores, met behulp van Mining verkregen kunnen worden. Die ores kunnen dan omgesmolten worden in bars in furnaces, grote smeltovens die overal in RuneScape gevonden kunnen worden. De bekomen bars kunnen dan op anvils omgesmeed worden in allerlei metalen voorwerpen. Dit zijn meestal wapens en armour, maar kunnen ook andere, nuttige zaken zijn, die gebruikt kunnen worden in quests en andere skills zoals Crafting en Fletching.
- Smithing is the player's level of skill with hammers such as the Bronze Hammer. It increases as you craft Blacksmith recipes. With every level you gain at this skill, your power with hammers increases, and you gain access to even more powerful hammers such as the Rockcrusher Hammer. This skill is gained through becoming a Fledgling Blacksmith.
- Smithing' is a craft in which a person fashions useful items (for example, tools, kitchenware, tableware, jewelry, and weapons) out of various metals. Smithing is one of the oldest metalworking occupations. Shaping metal with a hammer (forging) is the archetypical component of smithing. Often the hammering is done while the metal is hot, having been heated in a forge. Smithing can also involve the other aspects of metalworking, such as refining metals from their ores (traditionally done by smelting), casting it into shapes (founding), and filing to shape and size.
- Smithing je Skill kde tavis rudy a koves brnenie a ine veci.
- Smithing er en produksjons skill hvor man bruker ores and bars til å smi våpen og rustninger, samt andre nyttige gjenstander.Siden man kan tjene gode penger ved å sanke råmaterialer og selge ore eller smithe bars og selge, er Smithing regnet som en av de mest populære skills. Smithing er en veldig treg prosess og det er meget dyrt å "kjøpe" levels. Kjøper man alle råmaterialene og selger bars resulterer i en beskjeden profitt.Selger man ferdig smidde gjenstander derimot taper man stort sett penger. Smithing består av to hoveddeler, Smelting og Smithing.
- Yoshitsune is able to create weapons for the player. More weapons are available if the player provides her with weapon recipes or increases her friendship with her. To create these weapons, the player will need to gather various materials including but not limited to weapons, monster drops, and stones. The higher level of friendship Yoshitsune has, the better the grade of smithed weapons will be.
- For most metals, the smelting success rate is 100%; it is impossible to "fail" a smelting attempt, and so a certain number of ores will always result in a certain number of bars. Iron is the only exception; since it takes only one iron ore to create an iron bar, there is a chance that the iron ore will be too impure to refine, and will be lost, resulting in no bar or experience gained. The chance of a successful forging of iron is 50% at level 15 Smithing, the minimum level for smelting iron ores, and increases incrementally as Smithing levels rise until it reaches an 80% chance of success at 45 Smithing, its highest. The chance of successfully smelting iron can also be increased to 100% by wearing a ring of forging, smelting the ore with the Superheat Item spell, or smelting the iron at t
- Smithing is the most profitable skill in the game. Even at a Smithing Level of 50 you can make over 100 coins per inventory by selling smithed items to Zack. You can smith many different types of armour and weapons, making it very useful skill to accompany combat. To start smithing, you need a certain number of ores to create the item and a lit furnace. To do so, get a fire and put it in the furnace and then click on the furnace and select the "Smith" option. Then you can select the item you would like to make.
- thumb|Pelaaja takoo left Smithing, (tunnetaan myös nimellä Smith) eli takominen on taito, jossa tehdään metalliharkoista aseita, panssareita tai työkaluja. Harkkoja valmistetaan malmeista, joita louhitaan kaivamalla. Smithingiä kehitetään sekä sulattamalla malmeja harkoiksi ahjossa ja sen jälkeen harkoista voidaan takoa muunmuassa aseita ja haarniskoja alasimella, mutta tähän vaaditaan vasara ja esineestä riippuen joku Smithing -taso (alempana listat kuinka paljon smithingiä tarvitaan mihinkin tavaraan). Pienin mahdollinen taso listoille pääsemiseksi smithingissä on 15. Tällä hetkellä 32,111 pelaajaa on saavuttanut tason 99 smithingissä.
- frame|Žaidėjas kala metalinius luitus, naudodamasis priekalu (anvil). left Kalvystė (Smithing) yra gamybos įgūdis, kuriuo naudojantis žaidėjai gamina naudingus metalinius daiktus iš rūdų (ores) ir luitų (bars). Tai yra vienas iš populiaresnių įgūdžių, nes žaidėjas gali užsidirbti parduodamas luitus arba nukaltus daiktus. Užsidirbti įmanoma jeigu žaidėjas reikalingas medžiagas pats gauna, t.y. naudojantis kasybos (Mining) įgūdžiu. Kalvystė yra skirstoma į dvi dalis - Lydymas (Smelting) ir Kalvystė (Smithing).
- Smithing is one of several skills in RuneScape Classic. It allows players to make armour and weapons to sell to other players or to use for themselves. Unlike Mining, Fishing and Woodcutting, which are gathering skills, Smithing is a production skill. It takes raw materials obtained from a gathering skill, in this case mining, and makes something else. It is popular because it can make a profit, and lets you provide equipment for you and your friends.
| - In order to use smithing, the PC must first find a forge and stand on it. The following places provide guaranteed forges:
* Dwarftown
* Darkforge
* The prison level in the Ice Queen Domain
All of these forges, however, do not allow for extensive smithing for several reasons. Glod will demand 2500 gold pieces for every single use of his forge unless lured off the level or killed, Darkforge smithies feature hostile environment , IC:6 will deal constant cold damage to the PC if he kills too many of the inhabitants.
Thus, finding a forge on a random low-DL level is usually more preferable to the guaranteed locations. One of the most prospective places for this is the Unremarkable Dungeon due to its high chance of generating dungeon features.
Once the PC has reached a forge he will also need an anvil and a hammer-type melee weapon. Weaponsmiths start off with one in their inventory; also, anvils might randomly appear in dungeons . Glod and Kherab are also known to have anvils as well as eternium warhammers to use for smithing. Killing Glod for his anvil will likewise stop the gold demands.
Finally, the PC will need a metal ingot to work with. The metal which the ingot is made of must be identified , and must be of the same material as the item that is to be repaired/modified. Level 6 Weaponsmiths can melt any metallic items to obtain ingots of the corresponding material . To successfully form a single ingot using the skill one must select and melt 200 stones worth of items of the same material.
Once the PC has all of these, they can work on a non-artifact metallic item. Rusty and broken metallic items can be fixed, weapons can be modified to increase their melee accuracy and damage, and armor can be modified to increase its DV and PV. However, smithing consumes a considerable amount of time and satiation.