*+1 AP
*+1 Range
*+107 HP
*+20 Dodge
*+30 Initiative
*+3% Critical Hits
*+70% damage for 3 random elements
*+25% Backstab Damage
*+15% distance damage
*+15 Resist.
El Solomonk era el sombrero de un viejo jefe de Tribu Pandawa experto en pócimas laxativas. Los Pandawas estaban a menudo obligados a probar ellos mismos lo efectos de sus pócimas y por eso utilizaban este sombrero que aunque no les favorecía mucho por lo menos resultaba ser un buen orinal.
The Solomonk used to belong to an old Pandawa chief who was an expert in laxative potions. Lacking willing subjects, he had to test the potions himself, and used it as a chamber pot.
The Solomonk hat was worn by the Chief of a Pandawa tribe. Experts in laxative potions, low-ranking Pandawas were often obliged to test the potions for the alchemists. When banished to the jungle for these trials, this hat double as a chamber pot, reducing their load considerably.