| - Following the Siege of the North in 100 AG, La imprisoned Admiral Zhao in the Fog of Lost Souls as punishment for killing Tui. Eventually, Zhao was driven to insanity by his endless pursuit of Avatar Aang. Jinora was brought to the Fog of Lost Souls after being captured by Unalaq in 171 AG. Her imprisonment in the fog caused her connection to the physical world to weaken and prompted Tenzin, Bumi, and Kya to journey into the Spirit World in order to retrieve her spirit. The three siblings managed to find the fog by antagonizing a scorpion spider spirit, who brought them to the Fog of Lost Souls as a means of imprisoning them for eternity. After venturing into the fog, Tenzin recalled the legends of the prison and urged his siblings to remain focused in order to prevent the spirit from weakening their resolve. After Kya inquired as to how long an individual could remain trapped in the Fog of Lost Souls, the three siblings stumbled upon Zhao, who mistook Tenzin for Aang. Bumi and Kya managed to fend off Zhao, the latter using her waterbending to put some distance between them and the deluded admiral, before they hastily fled the scene. Soon after, however, they started to slowly find themselves weakening and succumbing to the fog's effects. Tenzin urged his siblings to remain focused, to no avail. Eventually, Bumi became paranoid that they were surrounded by cannibals and Kya refused to believe that she had any family, prompting the two to remove the cloth that fastened the three of them together and subsequently flee from Tenzin in opposite directions. Following this, Tenzin wandered aimlessly and recited he was the son of Aang over and over again in an attempt to remain calm, but found himself confronting his uncertainty of being able to live up to his father's name. Shortly after, a vision of Aang appeared, who urged Tenzin to stop emulating somebody else's life, in favor of shaping his own. Tenzin's moment of realization caused the fog to dissipate temporarily, allowing him enough time to gather Jinora, Kya, and Bumi and leave the Fog of Lost Souls before the spirit appeared again. Months later, Zaheer transported himself and Aiwei to this location and, holding the metalbender responsible for the Red Lotus' failure to kidnap Avatar Korra, threw him into the fog.