| - @CLONE COMMAND: @clone[/] [=] Creates a almost exact duplicate of that is owned by you and (for things and exits) puts it in your current location. You may have the object put in your inventory (or your exitlist in the case of cloning exits) by using the /inventory switch. The modification and creation times will necessarily be different. Also, depending on the parent lock and permissions, the possibility exists that the clone object will be left unparented. You may clone your own objects, plus VISUAL objects owned by others. The INHERIT and WIZARD bits of the (new) object are cleared when the object is cloned. If is specified, it is used as the name instead of the original name. If you clone a linked exit, an attempt is made to link the clone to the same location. Except when using the /inventory switch, you can only clone exits when you own your current location. If you clone a room with a drop-to, an attempt is made to link the drop-to to the same location. If the original object was owned by you, then the ACLONE attribute is run in the new attribute, otherwise the new object is set HALTED. Exits and contents of cloned objects are not cloned, and LOCKED attributes are not copied. The following switches are available: /cost - Treat the argument after the = as the cost of the new object, not the name. /inherit - Don't reset the INHERIT bit on the new object. /inventory - Create the new object in your inventory (or your exitlist, in the case of cloning exits). /location - Create the new object in your location (default). /parent - Set the new object's parent to be the template object and don't copy the attributes. Related Topics: @create, @decompile, @destroy, VISUAL.