| - The Big Three are MOAB Class Bloons. They are the bosses of Objective 2 of Forgotten Realms. BETA- the Bright woE maker, Test of all monkey's fAtes DELTA- Darkness & EviL is the desTroyer of All monkeys EPSILON- catastrophE, Pain, Sadness, ILLness all mixed into ONe The Big Three are triplets, meaning 3 MOAB Classes, they only appear in Objective 2 of Forgotten Realms with their own abilities, health, speed, weapons, etc. They always appear together, and they have "Global Abilities". Global Abilities affect from just the three of them, to all bloons to all your towers.
| - The Big Three are MOAB Class Bloons. They are the bosses of Objective 2 of Forgotten Realms. BETA- the Bright woE maker, Test of all monkey's fAtes DELTA- Darkness & EviL is the desTroyer of All monkeys EPSILON- catastrophE, Pain, Sadness, ILLness all mixed into ONe The Big Three are triplets, meaning 3 MOAB Classes, they only appear in Objective 2 of Forgotten Realms with their own abilities, health, speed, weapons, etc. They always appear together, and they have "Global Abilities". Global Abilities affect from just the three of them, to all bloons to all your towers. As big MOAB Class Bloons, they also bring morale to the battlefield. Once they enter, all Bloons move at 200% speed, attack (if they can) 100% faster, and abilities recharge 75% faster. BETA appears to be a heavily modified BFB, with a little bit of a REALMS's weapons, and a bit more. DELTA appears to be a heavily modified ZOMG., but has a mix of something else. It is currently unknown what this is, as the creator of this article is currently at a Battle at Forgotten Realms, this article merely being written by a friend Darkness of his. EPSILON appears to be an extremely heavily modified DDT It has weapons, like BETA while DELTA's are currently unknown. In fact, very little is unknown about EPSILON. Rumors have it that it faces all of its victims before proceeding to kill them, I'll bet brutally. Though rumors merely say "inmonkeyane". Other rumors state it uses weapons made from complete monkeys, including tears, blood, sweat, and anything else. Along with Bloons, essence, shredded parts, etc. Though one rumor can be considered true, and no longer a rumor: On an unknown day, in 1989, an Apprentice came to the Forgotten Realms to see if the rumors he heard about a blimp called "EPSILON" were true. He went to a Hangar, and saw the monstrosity itself. He immediately ran for his life, hoping the being would not follow him. He was lucky enough it didn't even bother to look at him. When he got back home, he told the story to his friends. He claims it looked like an extremely modified DDT, smelled like the hopeless cries of poor monkeys, the disgusting smell of blood, bloon essence and, somehow, cries that must've been from bloons. Even to this day, the people who do remember the story, those who do remember what they experienced, don't sound convincing.