| - Ma'kis'shaalas, nicknamed Ma'kis, was a Kajain'sa'Nikto who became a famed Morgukai warrior and later a Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Galactic Republic. A fierce and brutal warrior, Ma'kis became a decorated hero among the Morgukai, though after a decade of wearing the traditional armor of the order of warriors, he walked away, realizing that his destiny was elsewhere. To his fellow Niktos' anger and dismay, he left their order; the only way to do so, in accordance of the order's laws, was to walk through the Burning Moon Range, something which none had lived to tell the tale of before. Although he was presumed dead on his homeworld of Kintan, Ma'kis had in fact survived, and joined the Jedi Order.
| - Ma'kis'shaalas, nicknamed Ma'kis, was a Kajain'sa'Nikto who became a famed Morgukai warrior and later a Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Galactic Republic. A fierce and brutal warrior, Ma'kis became a decorated hero among the Morgukai, though after a decade of wearing the traditional armor of the order of warriors, he walked away, realizing that his destiny was elsewhere. To his fellow Niktos' anger and dismay, he left their order; the only way to do so, in accordance of the order's laws, was to walk through the Burning Moon Range, something which none had lived to tell the tale of before. Although he was presumed dead on his homeworld of Kintan, Ma'kis had in fact survived, and joined the Jedi Order. Ma'kis'shaalas proved himself to be a martial Jedi, often acting in ways others might have perceived as rash. He hated the bureaucracy of the Republic, and had no qualms about following what he felt was the right course of action without the permission of his superiors. During the Separatist Crisis, Ma'kis returned to Kintan in his capacity as a Jedi on a peacekeeping mission, intending to acquaint himself with an old friend named Tsyr. The sight of his brother-in-arms wearing the robes of a Jedi overwhelmed Ma'kis's friend, and the two clashed blades. They both survived, though each of them bore scars from the vicious encounter. During the Clone Wars, Ma'kis served as a Jedi General and managed to survive Order 66 at the war's close in 19 BBY. He was one of the eight Jedi who met with Jedi Master Shadday Potkin on Kessel shortly after the foundation of the Galactic Empire to plan their next course of action. He advocated attacking the Sith, but Darth Vader's arrival on Kessel hastened this plan. The Jedi fought with Vader, though Ma'kis'shaalas was quickly struck down and killed by the Sith Lord. Vader managed to kill the rest of Ma'kis's companions soon thereafter with the aid of the 501st Legion.