Megistotherium osteothlastes was a large hyaenodontid creodont that lived during the early Miocene epoch some 23 million years ago. Its remains have been found in the Ngorora and Muruyur Formations of Kenya, Egypt,[2] Namibia, Uganda[3] and Libya. Named by Robert Savage in 1973,[1] it's one of the largest hyaenodontids known and like the other hyaenodontids it had an enormous skull relative to its body, up to 66 cm (2 ft 2 in) in length[1] and a body mass estimated at 500 kg (1,100 pounds).[4]
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- Megistotherium
- Megistotherium
| - I megistotheri erano giganteschi lupi dal pelo argenteo e dalle lunghe zanne. Vivevano nella pianura di Archylte, dove si contendevano il territorio con i re behemoth, e incapacitavano le prede con il loro alito tossico per poi dilaniarle tra le loro fauci.
- thumb|400px Megistotherium: Este Creodonto fue quizá uno de los mamíferos carnívoros terrestres más grandes que han existido en todos los tiempos. Era el doble de alto que un oso gris actual, con una cabeza como la de un tigre moderno, pero de tamaño doble, y un peso equivalente a cuatro leones actuales. Tenía enormes colmillos para desgarrar la carne de su presa. Cazaba enormes elefantes y rinocerontes, los animales que abundaban en la época y el lugar donde vivió. Medía 5 metros de longitud, 3 de altura y 800 kilos de peso. Vivió hace 26 millones de años, al principio del Mioceno, en Libia, en el norte de África. Categoría:Mamíferos Categoría:Placentarios Categoría:Creodontos Categoría:Fauna del Mioceno
- Megistotherium osteothlastes was a large hyaenodontid creodont that lived during the early Miocene epoch some 23 million years ago. Its remains have been found in the Ngorora and Muruyur Formations of Kenya, Egypt,[2] Namibia, Uganda[3] and Libya. Named by Robert Savage in 1973,[1] it's one of the largest hyaenodontids known and like the other hyaenodontids it had an enormous skull relative to its body, up to 66 cm (2 ft 2 in) in length[1] and a body mass estimated at 500 kg (1,100 pounds).[4]
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| - I megistotheri erano giganteschi lupi dal pelo argenteo e dalle lunghe zanne. Vivevano nella pianura di Archylte, dove si contendevano il territorio con i re behemoth, e incapacitavano le prede con il loro alito tossico per poi dilaniarle tra le loro fauci.
- thumb|400px Megistotherium: Este Creodonto fue quizá uno de los mamíferos carnívoros terrestres más grandes que han existido en todos los tiempos. Era el doble de alto que un oso gris actual, con una cabeza como la de un tigre moderno, pero de tamaño doble, y un peso equivalente a cuatro leones actuales. Tenía enormes colmillos para desgarrar la carne de su presa. Cazaba enormes elefantes y rinocerontes, los animales que abundaban en la época y el lugar donde vivió. Medía 5 metros de longitud, 3 de altura y 800 kilos de peso. Vivió hace 26 millones de años, al principio del Mioceno, en Libia, en el norte de África. Categoría:Mamíferos Categoría:Placentarios Categoría:Creodontos Categoría:Fauna del Mioceno
- Megistotherium osteothlastes was a large hyaenodontid creodont that lived during the early Miocene epoch some 23 million years ago. Its remains have been found in the Ngorora and Muruyur Formations of Kenya, Egypt,[2] Namibia, Uganda[3] and Libya. Named by Robert Savage in 1973,[1] it's one of the largest hyaenodontids known and like the other hyaenodontids it had an enormous skull relative to its body, up to 66 cm (2 ft 2 in) in length[1] and a body mass estimated at 500 kg (1,100 pounds).[4] The carnassial teeth of Megistotherium (like those of other creodonts) were the upper first molars, and overlapped with their lower molar counterparts like scissors to form a formidable and powerful shearing action. The land that is now the Sahara desert was much more fertile in the Miocene. A considerable amount of it was grassland and rainfall was plentiful. Lakes and ponds provided water for large fauna, which provided Megistotherium and other predators with an ample supply of prey. Large hyaenodontids like this one could have originally evolved as specialized predators or scavengers of large African herbivores.[5] Mastodon bones have been found with its fossils, indicating that Megistotherium may have hunted them for food.