| - Togekiss is the fourth Pokémon seen in Cynthia's possession.
Togekiss' known moves are: Air Slash, Aura Sphere, ExtremeSpeed, and Thunder Wave.
- Spiritomb is the sixth Pokémon seen in Cynthia's possession.
Spiritomb's known moves are: Dark Pulse, Ominous Wind, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, and Shadow Sneak.
- The second new addition to her roster, Glaceon was first seen in Cynthia's party when the group met up with Cynthia in Undella Town.
Glaceon's known moves are: Ice Fang, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Icy Wind, Mirror Coat, and Frost Breath.
- Lucario is the third Pokémon seen in Cynthia's possession.
Lucario's known moves are: Aura Sphere, Flash Cannon, Close Combat, ExtremeSpeed, and Bullet Punch.
- Cynthia's main battling Pokémon, which she uses in almost every single battle of hers. Garchomp is her most powerful Pokémon, and has never been seen losing to a single opponent. Garchomp is well trained enough that she can battle even without her Trainer giving her commands.
Garchomp's known moves are: Dragon Rush, Brick Break, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Stone Edge, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Giga Impact, and Draco Meteor.
- Roserade is the is the fifth Pokémon seen in Cynthia's possession.
Roserade's known moves are: Energy Ball, Leaf Storm, Sludge Bomb, Petal Dance, Venoshock, and Sleep Powder.
- Cynthia gave Ashe a Togepi egg after Ashe's group defeats Team Galactic in the Team Galactic Eterna Building.
- A new addition to her roster, Eelektoss was first seen in Cynthia's party when the group met up with Cynthia in Undella Town.
Eelektross' known moves are: Crunch, Wild Charge, Dragon Claw, Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, and Discharge.
- Milotic is the second Pokémon seen in Cynthia's possession.
Milotic's known moves are: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Mirror Coat, and Aqua Ring.
- The third new addition to her roster, Braviary was first seen in Cynthia's party when the group met up with Cynthia in Undella Town.
Braviary's known moves are: Aerial Ace, Brave Bird, Crush Claw, Shadow Claw, Sky Drop, and Retaliate.
- In Legend of the Sinjoh Ruins, it shown that Cynthia owns an Empoleon that is implied to have been her starter.
Empoleon 's known moves are unknown.