| - Note: There are no true classes in Asheron's Call. However, characters generally stick to one form of attack: close-combat (Warrior/Melee), archery (Archer/Missile), or offensive magic (mage). Archers are usually considered intermediate in difficulty, with warriors being easier and mages being harder. Archers combine some of the simplicity of melee combat with some of the advantages of magic combat. Missile combat is similar to melee combat, with available options being aiming high, medium, or low, with a slider bar that controls your speed vs your accuracy. Like warriors, archers require basic supplies like potions and healing kits to survive. In addition, they require ammunition and in most cases the raw materials to create more. Archers have long range, but can also fight just as effect
| - Note: There are no true classes in Asheron's Call. However, characters generally stick to one form of attack: close-combat (Warrior/Melee), archery (Archer/Missile), or offensive magic (mage). Archers are usually considered intermediate in difficulty, with warriors being easier and mages being harder. Archers combine some of the simplicity of melee combat with some of the advantages of magic combat. Missile combat is similar to melee combat, with available options being aiming high, medium, or low, with a slider bar that controls your speed vs your accuracy. Like warriors, archers require basic supplies like potions and healing kits to survive. In addition, they require ammunition and in most cases the raw materials to create more. Archers have long range, but can also fight just as effectively in close combat. In addition, they have access to all 7 damage types. At lower levels especially, an archer can get by with a single bow, crossbow, or atlatl and simply changing their ammo to the appropriate damage type, where a warrior would have to lug around several different weapons for each element of damage they want to be able to inflict.