| - The film begins by introducing a warrior race known as Necromongers. Conquering any world in their path as their great armada makes its way across space, they travel toward the gates to the Underverse, a dark alternate universe where death apparently has no meaning. Their new leader, the sixth Lord Marshal Zhylaw, makes this pilgrimage like those before him to add to his already vast power. Riddick, who has been hiding on the ice world of U.V.6, when confronted by bounty hunter Toombs promptly kills his crew and steals his ship in the process. When he confronts Imam on New Mecca believing him to be the one who placed the bounty, he learns that Jack has been imprisoned on Crematoria and of a prophecy that a lone Furyan will bring about the Necromongers' downfall. Soon after this revelation, the Necromonger army attacks destroying all resistance within a day. Riddick is captured and the Lord Marshal soon learns, much to his discomfort, that he is a Furyan and orders his execution. Riddick has other plans and escapes to running into Toombs yet again and allows him to take him prisoner to gain passage to Crematoria. However, Necromonger forces are also on the way.