| - The TMP Media Gallery Project may initially be founded as part of the On-Line Community Program under the Foundation Community Network effort. But because it has a commercial aspect, it will eventually come under the sphere of Foundation Media and, in fact, could become one of the critical recruitment tools for its talent pool development. The TMP Media Galley Project would pursue the creation of an open participation on-line art and media gallery focused on the subjects of TMP and the future in general. It’s purpose would be to attract artists and other creative talent to the themes of TMP by offering them a free on-line showcase for their art, and later an on-line venue for the sale of their art and art services by direct or auction sales. It would be organized into a series of themed galleries and could be founded on any of the many more sophisticated web-based art gallery platforms currently available. Like many of the current on-line art galleries, it would combine theme, artist, new submission, viewer-ranking, and discussion thread indexes with a user feedback forum and may also feature on-line collaborative drawing tools to add a graphic component to discussions. Later, it would provide an on-line store and auction hall system integrated with the gallery. This on-line gallery would offer great promotional potential for TMP and serve as a great way to encourage interest in futurist subjects among the art community –a community that has long ignored this subject area in favor of the sci-fantasy of contemporary science fiction media. It would also be a good way to cultivate and showcase an amateur and professional art community from among the younger members of the LUF and TMP communities. But its most crucial roles would be to cultivate a pool of ready-made art that might be used for other Foundation activities and provide key tool for the recruitment of professional artists in support of Foundation Media’s cultivation of a staff talent pool.