| - Laurent est le fils de Philippe et Dominique. Shannon le gardait avec sa sœur Sophie lors de son séjour à Paris.
- Laurent é uma cidade em Nova Belmont. Uma das maiores cidades do país, ao sul e vizinha à capital Belmont.
- Shannon mentioned to Sayid that she had dated the father of a boy named Laurent and that Laurent was a brat, a comment that is consistent with the deleted scene featuring Laurent, Shannon, Dominique, and Philippe. Laurent used to watch the French version of Finding Nemo over and over again. This was how Shannon recognized the French song La Mer in Danielle Rousseau's notes, a song which became in English Beyond the Sea (the most famous version of which was recorded by Bobby Darin, while the English-language [original] version of Finding Nemo uses a version by Robbie Williams). ("Whatever the Case May Be")
- Laurent (translated as Rolante in the Seiken Densetsu 3 fan translation) is a location in Heroes of Mana and Seiken Densetsu 3. It is populated predominantly by humans and has a mild climate with constant winds. It is situated on a mountainside and surrounded by mountains and cliffs.
- Laurent (ロラン Roran, Loran) is a playable character from Fire Emblem Awakening. He is Miriel's son from the future, and can potentially be the brother or father of Morgan. His birthday is April 25. He is voiced by Makoto Ishii in the Japanese version and Patrick Seitz in the English version.
- Laurent is a fictional character and nomadic Vampire that appears in the Twilightseries. He is a member of James' coven and is a supporting character/antagonist in Twilight and the secondary antagonist in New Moon.
- Laurent ist Philippes und Dominiques Sohn. Seine ältere Schwester Sophie nimmt bei Shannon Ballettunterricht. („“) Später arbeitet Shannon als Au-Pair bei Philippe und Dominique in Paris, wo sie sich um beide Kinder kümmert. Shannon erwähnt Sayid gegenüber, dass der "Kerl in St. Tropez", bei dem sie "eine Weile gewohnt hat", einen Sohn namens Laurent hat und dass dieser eine ziemliche Rotznase gewesen sei. Laurents Lieblingsfilm ist Findet Nemo. Shannon sagt, dass sie ihn sich immer wieder anschauen hat müssen, wodurch sie den Text der französischen Fassung des Liedes "Beyond The Sea" in Rousseaus Aufzeichnungen erkennt. („“)
- Laurent war oder ist ein Erzmaester der Zitadelle und der Verfasser des Manuskriptes Alte Orte am Trident.
- Laurent (ロラン Roran) is a character from Fire Emblem: Awakening. He is Miriel's son from the future.
- Laurent es el hijo de Philippe y Dominique. Su hermana mayor, Sophie, era una de las estudiantes de ballet de Shannon. Los dos niños fueron cuidados por Shannon durante un año en París. Shannon le dijo una vez a Sayid que había salido con el padre de un chico llamado Laurent. El niño no paraba de ver la versión francesa de "Buscando a Nemo". Así fue como Shannon reconoció la versión francesa de la canción de Bobby Darin "Más allá del mar" en las notas de Danielle Rousseau.
- Laurent was a boy who lived in Saint-Tropez, France. Laurent disliked Shannon, and was "a real snot". Laurent would watch the film Finding Nemo time and time again.
- Laurent was a city on the planet Mobius Beta. With about two and a half million inhabitants, it was the second largest city after the capital of Landing. (HH14)
- Laurent was the watcher of the Slayer Asha Sayre. She was a 70 year old Cajun woman.
- Laurent is a minor character in The Vampire Chronicles. Laurent was part of Armand's coven of devil worshipers in Paris until Lestat disbanded it. After losing his old way of life he became one of the first vampires to be part of the Théâtre des Vampires. He lived in the theater's coven for approximately 80 years until it was destroyed by Louis. He was one of the few who survived the destruction of the theater and lived into the modern age but was ultimately killed alongside Baby Jenks during Akasha's rampage in The Queen of the Damned.
- Unfortunately, the werewolves intervened before Bella was killed and chased down Laurent, destroying him before he could spare us of the pain that is that Mary Sue ABOMINATION!!! (*swearing, destroying things, trying to kill self, etc*) Irina is pissed at Bella for some reason over this (as if we didn't know), presumably because her hair color is blond. But that's not really that bad because in Breeding Spawn Breaking Dawn she dies, presumably of anticlimaxitis, and joins Laurent in hell. Don't you love a happy ending?