Voltage is an American Action Superhero Drama Television Series, based off of the fictional TV Series of the same name on Disney Channel's Liv & Maddie, premiering on the CW Television Network, on November 12, 2016. Featuring Emilia McCarthy, Jonny Gray, Jadin Gould, Dylan Sprayberry, Tom Welling, and Jennifer Morrison as the initial cast of the series, Voltage follows the life of Tess Morgan, a smart High School cheerleader, who after being struck by lightning, gains the ability to control lightning itself and uses her powers to fight crime as Sky Volt
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| - Voltage is an American Action Superhero Drama Television Series, based off of the fictional TV Series of the same name on Disney Channel's Liv & Maddie, premiering on the CW Television Network, on November 12, 2016. Featuring Emilia McCarthy, Jonny Gray, Jadin Gould, Dylan Sprayberry, Tom Welling, and Jennifer Morrison as the initial cast of the series, Voltage follows the life of Tess Morgan, a smart High School cheerleader, who after being struck by lightning, gains the ability to control lightning itself and uses her powers to fight crime as Sky Volt
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| - Voltage is an American Action Superhero Drama Television Series, based off of the fictional TV Series of the same name on Disney Channel's Liv & Maddie, premiering on the CW Television Network, on November 12, 2016. Featuring Emilia McCarthy, Jonny Gray, Jadin Gould, Dylan Sprayberry, Tom Welling, and Jennifer Morrison as the initial cast of the series, Voltage follows the life of Tess Morgan, a smart High School cheerleader, who after being struck by lightning, gains the ability to control lightning itself and uses her powers to fight crime as Sky Volt