| - Knuckles, Amy, Shadow and Rouge are seen battling Crystal Omega in the Hidden Palace Zone, which annoys Knuckles as he did not want to deal with him but Walter Naugus instead. Shadow throws a Chaos Spear at Omega, stunning the robot. Amy's MilesElectric then starts to ring as Sally Acorn tries to reach them. This slightly frustrates Amy as she did not think it was the best time to talk to her. Omega suddenly gets up again and punches Shadow, surprising the ultimate lifeform as he believed the effects would last longer. While Knuckles and Rouge once again join the fray, Amy gets a status update concerning the shattered world. The message is cut short and Amy informs Knuckles and Rouge of the new info, increasing the pressure for the fate of Angel Island. Naugus hears the fighting from inside the chamber and wishes that he kept Knuckles longer so that the process of assembling the Master Emerald would be a bit faster. He then has second thoughts on this, fearing the echidna would have triumphed in retrieving the Master Emerald. Naugus was definitely sick of suffering set-back after set-back. Naugus recalls the time that Dr. Eggman first tested his Genesis Wave technology, which resulted in the split of the world into pocket dimensions. Sonic had intervened and returned the world to normal. However, the wave had depleted Naugus of his powers. He tried to gain them back through the use of the emeralds in the Hidden Palace Zone but to no avail. Eventually, Naugus gave up and went to ask for Eggman's help. While under the mad scientist's radar, the troll wizard stole technology from him and had his sister, Wendy Naugus, teach him how to use it. Naugus then assumes the role of King Nigel Acorn using the tech and locks the actual king away. Sally grew suspicious of the king's odd behavior, to which she sent Nicole to Mobotropolis and eventually found out that it was Naugus all along. She was then forced by the evil wizard to make a special Power Ring in hopes that he'll regains his powers again. This had almost worked until Eggman sent Tails Doll to attack Mobotropolis and when he got memories of an alternate reality. Naugus then succeeds in assembling the Master Emerald and commences the return of his power. Knuckles falls to his knees in despair as he senses that Naugus has succeeded. However Amy encourages Knuckles to keep going on as Naugus has done half of the work for him, the other half being setting it back in its rightful position. Rouge suggests that Shadow goes all-out on Crystal Omega but Shadow feared of a cave-in, however, he didn't mind doing it if it meant stopping Naugus. Knuckles spots a small crack in Omega's crystalline armor and all four proceed to smash it until Omega is free of Naugus' command. Omega then proceeds to destroy Naugus' crystalline barricade and all rush in to attack him before he could tap into the Master Emerald's full power. However, they are immediately crystallized by Naugus, who seems to have finally gotten his full powers back.