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- Post Mortem is the 12th episode of the third season of "E.R." It was first aired in January,23 in 1997. It was written by Carol Flint and directed by Jacque Elaine Toberen.
- After the events of Last Knight.
- El logro da un total de 25G (Gamerpoints).
- Post Mortem är en kort berättelse, som publicerades av Titan Magazines i Stargate SG-1/Atlantis: The Official Magazine 23. Skrivet av Karen Miller, är den inställd under Säsong 3 av Stargate Atlantis.
- Post Mortem (Originaltitel: Post Mortem-Blues) ist die einundzwanzigste Episode der 15. Staffel von Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.
- Malte: Das hier sind noch Punkte, die ich im einzelnem noch gern besprechen wollen würde.
* Skilleinschätzungen (ob man sich gleich von Anfang an der Sache gewachsen fühlt)
* Zeiten, Abwesenheit, zu spät kommen, TEAMHILFSBEREITSCHAFT Absprachen mit Software Versionen! Henne: die leute sollten sich mehr unterstützen und wenn probleme auftreten das es nicht an einem hängen bleibt, unterstützung der team kolegen, heisst: helfen und evt auch techniken vermitteln damit es "besser" wird der team gedanke ist einigen leuten noch nicht ganz klar...
- Post Mortem is the seventh episode of season seven in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.
- Post Mortem is a short story, which was published by Titan Magazines in Stargate SG-1/Atlantis: The Official Magazine 23.
- Post Mortem is the seventeenth Intel document in Resistance: Fall of Man. It is found in the section level "Angel" in Cheshire, in the morgue occupied by Menials and explosive barrels.
- They sit for a few minutes in uneasy silence. Around them the lives of those who’d chosen to visit the park this day unfold, all but oblivious to the two on the bench. Any other reaction would be a shock to both as neither appears to the unschooled as they actually are. Today they appear as two of the homeless, an ork and a dwarf, which is almost as far from the truth as one can get and still retain a degree of sanity. “So,” the ork finally says, his tone low and careful, “did you kill him?” The dwarf shifts his gaze to meet the other’s. He shakes his head. “No. Did you?” “Me either.” “Then who?”
- Post Mortem is an 8th season episode of House which first aired on May 7, 2012. In an episode directed by and guest-starring Peter Weller (Dexter, RoboCop), the team takes on the case of Dr. Peter Treiber (guest star Jamie Elman), a pathologist at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital who knows too much about the hospital staff to trust any of the physicians. The only person he does respect is House. Wilson has decided not to wait around Princeton-Plainsboro for his test results. He buys a new car and convinces House, by threatening to drug him and take him along anyway, to go on an unannounced road trip with him. Leaving their phones behind, this results in House's "mysterious" disappearance. House decides to take advantage of Wilson's condition to get some sympathy from the people they
- -¿Por qué? -El eclipse llegó tarde, el sol alumbró más de lo que debería haber alumbrado... Rompió su trato.- Silencio - Me arrepiento de decírselo todo, de recordarle todo lo que yo le debía, de decirle que le quería, de agradecerle que me tentase a seguir en vida... Sólo me iba a dar un sorbo de sangre, y sin embargo... me dio mucho más que eso. -No has de arrepentirte, ¿Por qué...? -Porque se lo dije tarde... El sol acarició cosas que decidió abandonar en la oscuridad hace ya mucho tiempo... -No entiendo. No comprendo cuándo tú le... -Lo siento...Piensa que te escucharía desde alguna parte.