| - The following are excepts from Hurlochel's work, "Silverfox": "Beyond these thin hide wallsa child sits, before her on worn silka Deck is arrayed.She cannot yet speakand the scenes before hershe's never before seen in this life.The child gazes upon a lone cardnamed Obelisk, the stone greyshe can feel its roughness in her mind.Obelisk stands buried in a grassy knolllike a knuckle protrudedfrom the earth, past and future.This child's eyes are widewith terror, for cracks have appearedin the stone of stones and she knowsthe shattering is begun." ―Outrider Hurlochel, 6th Army "Few can seethe dark handholding aloftthe splinter, orthe notched chainsfated to be heardbefore death's rattle,but hark the wheelof minions and victimswho moan thelord's namein the dark heartof Moon's Spawn…" ―Out
| - The following are excepts from Hurlochel's work, "Silverfox": "Beyond these thin hide wallsa child sits, before her on worn silka Deck is arrayed.She cannot yet speakand the scenes before hershe's never before seen in this life.The child gazes upon a lone cardnamed Obelisk, the stone greyshe can feel its roughness in her mind.Obelisk stands buried in a grassy knolllike a knuckle protrudedfrom the earth, past and future.This child's eyes are widewith terror, for cracks have appearedin the stone of stones and she knowsthe shattering is begun." ―Outrider Hurlochel, 6th Army "Few can seethe dark handholding aloftthe splinter, orthe notched chainsfated to be heardbefore death's rattle,but hark the wheelof minions and victimswho moan thelord's namein the dark heartof Moon's Spawn…" ―Outrider Hurlochel, 6th Army "Onearm's Host bled from countless wounds. An endless campaign, successive defeats followed by even costlier victories. But of all the wounds borne by the army of Dujek Onearm, those to its soul were the gravest…" ―Outrider Hurlochel, 6th Army