| - Back to our story! Ginourm: So Locke, who was that duplicate anyway? Locke v3: Ummm... One of those bad guy's robots...? Ginourm: Don't tell me... Ginourm: THAT THEY MADE AN ANTI-LOCKE!? Locke v3: Ummm... I think so, sadly. Ginourm and Locke v3 went to the main room. Blaze: So who was that? Ginourm: YOU NEVER BELIEVE IT! It's a Duplicate of Locke here! Locke v3: And, we suspect it's an Anti-Locke. Blaze: Strange. Why do Oldton and Eggman work on an Anti-Locke while they were busy with the Anti-Blaze? Locke v3: (thinking) Sh*t. Blaze: How do they even know you? Locke v3: (thinking) Double Sh*t! Blaze: How can they even make a duplicate without example nor blueprints? Locke v3: (thinking) TURKEY SH*T!!! Clyde: Aww, Blaze, who cares about that? Locke v3: (thinking) Phew, if I may reveal my true identity, I'd thank him. Clyde: So let's talk about the plan of action. Ginourm: YEAH! THE PLAN OF ACTION! 3.14: Humph, if you say that ONE more time, I'll kick your *ss and eliminate you. Steel: My idea. 3.14: So you give me permission to eliminate him? Steel: Only this time, only this person. Clyde: So, returning to our plan... Ginourm: OF ACTION! 3.14: Get ready to be kicked out... Ginourm: What? I never mentioned "the plan", only the "of action" part. 3.14: Hmph, okay, you get ONE more chance. Pesh: Clyde, continue your plan. Ginourm: YEAH THE PLAN OF AC- Ginourm was kicked out of Fantendo Mansion by 3.14. 3.14: AND IF YOU DARE TO RETURN, I'LL KICK YOU AND YOUR F**KING *RS* BACK TO FANTENDO SEA! Ginourm: What'cha saying? 3.14 looks behind him, and sees Ginourm again. 3.14: Grrr, you little... At Fantendo Sea, 5 minutes later, a splash of Ginourm is heard. Ginourm: Huh, what happened? Ginourm sees Hiro coincidentally. Hiro: I think you got eliminated of being hyper. Ginourm: Aww, I thought it was just a joke. Hiro: Why? Ginourm: Because 3.14 Eliminated me. Let us return to Fantendo Mansion... Clyde: Let us finally begin with our plan. Clyde: Locke, do you know a plan? Locke v3: Uhhh... Which plan again? Henry: Doesn't care. I do have a plan. In the room of the Fandemonium Producers... Producer #1: Aaah, I haven't enjoyed like this since I killed my parents. Producer #2: Me too. Soon, Locke v3 will prison those Fandemonium contestants to the base of our murderer. Producer #3: Yeah, Fandemonium was the worst idea that came up my mind. Producer #3: Seriously, challenges? Where was I with my mind? Producer #2: It's not your fault, Jack. We were in crisis. Jack: I think you're right, Mars. All we wanted is that everybody became demons and thinks nothing else than killing, but a TV show was the only thing we could think off. Mars: And we hoped that everyone watches the show, so we could pay Satan in trade for his Super weapon. Producer #1: Yeah, that beauty of an item. How was it called again? Mars: The Evil-Demonizer, Vince. Vince: Yeah, that's it. Thanks Mars. Jack: Say, I feel sorry for Steve. Vince: Why? Jack: Satan tested the Evil-Demonizer on him, and now he's a demon. Vince: Well, HE wanted it. Jack: But look at him. A demon, seeming to be the fourth producer, Steve, was gnawing on the table. Vince: I see, but who actually cares. Mars: Me not. Mars: Say I'm thirsty again. Vince: Do you want AGAIN some Eggplant Coffee? Mars: Yes Vince: Great, me too. Jack: Me too. Since that purple-clad guy is here, I've never enjoyed coffee like that. Mars: Yeah, it tastes godly. Sooooooo amazing. Vince: Hey you! Waluigi: What is it? Vince: Could you make for us again Some Eggplant coffee? I want an espresso. Mars: Me too. Jack: Me not. Give me one with extra eggplants. Vince: You LIKE eggplants, eh? Jack: Yes. Vince: So, two Espresso Eggplant coffee, and one eggplant coffee with extra eggplants. Waluigi: Six bucks, and I'll make your orders. Vince: Here. Vince gives Waluigi six bucks. Vince: Aaah, this is life. Discover THAT in the next episode!