| - Linda Hayfer ist eine Lehrerin die sowohl Drake als auch Josh unterrichtet. Schon seit beginn der Serie hasst sie Drake und liebt Josh. In der Folge Das Auto im Klassenzimmer hasst Mrs. Hayfer Drake noch mehr. Sie startet sogar einen Prozess gegen Drake von einem Schulausschuss. Linda Hayfer wird von Julia Duffy gespielt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Nebencharaktere
- Linda Alice Hayfer is a recurring character on Drake & Josh. She is portrayed by Julia Duffy. She is Drake and Josh's English teacher. She adores Josh, due to his hard-working personality, but hates Drake due to his consistently poor performance in school. In fact, her catchphrase is "I hate you, Drake", with Drake responding, "I know". She also always says "To the nurse!", which is her own bizarre way by telling people to leave her classroom.
| - Linda Hayfer ist eine Lehrerin die sowohl Drake als auch Josh unterrichtet. Schon seit beginn der Serie hasst sie Drake und liebt Josh. In der Folge Das Auto im Klassenzimmer hasst Mrs. Hayfer Drake noch mehr. Sie startet sogar einen Prozess gegen Drake von einem Schulausschuss. Linda Hayfer wird von Julia Duffy gespielt. Kategorie:Charaktere Kategorie:Nebencharaktere
- Linda Alice Hayfer is a recurring character on Drake & Josh. She is portrayed by Julia Duffy. She is Drake and Josh's English teacher. She adores Josh, due to his hard-working personality, but hates Drake due to his consistently poor performance in school. In fact, her catchphrase is "I hate you, Drake", with Drake responding, "I know". She also always says "To the nurse!", which is her own bizarre way by telling people to leave her classroom. Mrs. Hayfer also has a daughter named Kelly, who Drake briefly dated, much to her discontent. In "Honor Council", she comes into the classroom to find her car parked where Drake and Josh's seats were originally and accuses Drake of putting the car there, but her star student, Mindy, was the real culprit. In this episode, it was said that her first name was "Alice". However, in "Vicious Tiberius", her name is shown in a video as Linda Hayfer. She also appears in the television film, Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh while Drake is driving his car.