| - Hassan is the Brotherhood of Steel quartermaster in Bunker Delta in 2197.
- Hassan is a Redguard noble attending to the party at Count Hosni at-Tura's estate.
- Kategorie:Infobox benötigt thumb|Hassan Hassan ist der Quartiermeister der stählernen Bruderschaft im Bunker Delta im Jahre 2197.
- Hassan is the leader of the Eastern hemisphere forces of the Brotherhood of Nod.
- Hassan is found in Al Kharid.
- Hassan was an archaeologist working for the Moebius Foundation. He was excited by their find in the KL-2 system — a xel'naga artifact.
- If spoken to, Hassan will give the player a free jug of water.
- Hassan was one of Abu al-Walid's acolytes who followed him on a religious Hajj and was a passenger on the Hunter Gratzner. He was killed on M6-117 by a Bioraptor (while attempting to run away from another Bioraptor) by it impaling him with its blade-like head, and then presumably devouring him.
- Hassan – postać, występująca w Gothic 3, jest to asasyn zamieszany w kradzież surowej rudy z Ben Sali.
- Hassan was the cousin of Amir and was involved in illegal felony theft of very valuable items. David Breck was directed to him by Amir when he was trying to sell him a painting. Hassan, however, wanted David to do a job for him, which David politely refused. However, Hassan and his his thugs beat down David, breaking one of his ribs as a result.
- He is shown to be a caring person, as he cared for Adonis' health. Additionally, he acts more fatherly toward Adonis than Julius ever did and is greatly saddened by the death the young boy, after which he regretfully states that Adonis never got to see his father smile.
- General Hassan was a Soviet-sponsored warlord who ruled the United Arab Republic (in this setting composed of Egypt, Syria and Iraq) and serves as a main antagonist for a chapter of the Brotherhood campaign. Hassan
- Hassan è un hashishin che si trova nelle vicinanze delle rovine di Mora Sul, responsabile dell'omicidio di Ramirez e del furto di minerale grezzo
- Hassan used to be a Brigand. Some still wonder. He is a spectator and member of the Eternal Order of Fighters.
- Hassan was a powerful efreeti who patrolled the halls of the Royal Harim of Huzuz in 1367 DR.
- thumb|HassanKanclerz Hassan znajduje się w pałacu w Al Kharid. Na obrazku zaznaczony jest również Osman, z którym musimy porozmawiać podczas misji Prince Ali Rescue .
- Hassan is one of the Khoresh Bedullin tribesmen and a gifted horse rider. It is Hassan who rescues Tug when he finds him half dead from thirst, wandering the desert. He provides him with food and water so he can recover his health. Hassan later meets Will, who requests to have Tug returned to him. Hassan, obeying the rules of the desert, declines. However, Hassan agrees to race Will for Tug. Will would ride Tug and if he won he got to keep Tug. If Hassan, riding Umar's Palamino, Sandstorm, won he'd keep Tug and Will would teach him how to ride him.
- Hassan is a minor character in Heavy Rain. He owns a convenience store and is the father of Reza, one of the Origami Killer's victims. When Scott Shelby goes to the store to ask him about his son, Hassan refuses to give him any information regarding the murder. While Scott goes to the back of the store to look for an inhaler, an armed robber enters the store and demands all of the money from the cash register. However, Hassan refuses to give him any money, stating he has worked very hard to earn it. From here, Scott can either hit the robber with a bottle or frying pan, or try to reason with the robber. If reasoned with, the robber will leave without harming anyone. Hassan thanks Shelby and then gives him a shoebox that he found in a locker after the Origami Killer sent him a letter to fin
- Lieutenant Hassan was a Peacekeeper Special Ops commando and part of Captain Larraq's unit. Along with Larraq and six others, her unit was assigned to track down and capture an intellant virus for study by Peacekeeper scientists. At the time of their boarding of the Leviathan Moya, Hassan was Larraq's second-in-command.
- Supported by the 'the Crown' as befits its value to the kingdom, the ferry has been in Hassan's family for generations. The way of avoiding the currents and shoals is a secret known only to him and his own. He was taught how to navigate the currents by his father; the jolly ferryman when he was just a boy. Derek Karlavaegen met him and his father at the time. Some years ago, however, once the isles started feuding, Vizier Abdul Alhazred stopped the ferry. Hassan helped Prince Alexander of Daventry by giving him quite a bit of history about the Land of the Green Isles, and giving him his rabbit's foot.
- Hassan was a known terrorist, one of whose conversations was intercepted by the Central Intelligence Agency. Previously, Hassan had publicly promised to "turn the streets of America into rivers of blood." Shortly after escaping from an Afghan prison, a CIA listening station picked up a conversation between him and a Ukrainian arms dealer, in which Adrian Tintfass' name was mentioned. Jack Bauer brought in Tintfass and interrogated him, but could not establish that he had had any kind of contact with Hassan.