| - Turner is a surname that appeared on the lighthouse dial, and may be one of Jacob's candidates. His or her "number" is 41. ("Lighthouse")
- Turner ist der Schuldirektor der Lutwidge Akademie. Er war ein ehemaliger Schüler der Lutwidge Akademie und ging in den selben Jahrgang gang wie Rufus Barma und sein Diener Callum Lunettes. Er scheint Rufus nach all den Jahren die vergangen sind immer noch loyal zu sein. Deshalb hilft er Reim Lunettes, Oz Vessalius, Gilbert Nightray und Alice, nachdem sie aus Pandora geflohen sind und bietet ihnen Unterschlupf an.
- Turner is a character who appeared in the Pokémon the Series: XY.
- Turner is a minor character who appears in F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin.
- Dr. Turner was an Umbrella employee.
- Turner ist ein Arenaleiter aus Pokémon Schwarz & Weiß.
- Turner is a character mentioned in Fallout 4.
- Turner was Anna Espinosa's bodyguard.
- __INDEX__ Die Turnes wohnen in Dimmsdale und sind eine Familie aus der Fernsehserie Cosmo & Wanda. Die Familienmitglieder sind Timmy Turner, Mr. Turner und Mrs. Turner. Kategorie:Familien (Cosmo & Wanda)
- Turner is Eunice's father and Rita's husband. He runs the Sunshine Inn located in the Business District of Trampoli. His dream for the future is to one day own his own restaurant. He has a variety of close friends and is highly envied by his daughter. He has a habit of drinking from time to time but his wife detests it. On Spring 2, Turner can be met at his inn after receiving the introduction quest from Stella.
- „Turner“ ist der Deckname unter dem sich Commander Tucker 2155 versucht in die xenophobisch eingestellte Organisation Terra Prime einzuschleusen. Jedoch wird seine wahre Identität von dem Terra-Prime-Mitglied Josiah entlarvt und Tucker wird von ihm gefangen genommen. (ENT: )
- <default>Turner</default> Classification Gender First Appearance Occupations Relations Status Voice Actors Mr. Turner (ターナー Tāna), first introduced as the 'whiskered pig', is the railroad company executive responsible for ruining the career of Rachel's father after blaming him for a railroad accident that Turner's own arrogance caused. He is one of the passengers caught up in the mayhem aboard the transcontinental express Flying Pussyfoot in 1931.
- He was played by Mike Dopud in the movie. He is not to be confused with Frank C. Turner, who plays a character in the same film, Sam Fischer.
- Turner era o sobrenome de um dos candidatos listados por Jacob. Ele (ou ela) era o candidato número 41. ("Lighthouse") Categoria:Candidatos
- General Turner is a high ranking officer of the United States Army and one of the officers in charge of assigning missions to Tony Stark during his earliest days as Iron Man.
- Turner was an inmate in Fox River State Penitentiary and used to worked in PI under Abruzzi's supervision. He has a minor appearance when Bellick come to PI to inform him that his transfer to another penitentiary is ready.
- Turner is the second main character in the game Enemy 585. Turner appears as a trap in Office Trap, but appears without a block in his head and different blocks.
- Turner was an FBI agent of the Washington Field Office during Day 7.
- Cpl. Jackson "Jacky" Turner is a medic, pilot, and mechanic for WarForce115, and only one of two survived members, along with Smith.