| - As the Grand Archmage of the second tower, he has wrongfully banned Ariane from the Wizards Tower for demon-worshipping, as shown in the Lore "The Burning Tower" and dialogue with him during Rune Mysteries, even going so far as to cast a ward to prevent her entry. During the events of Rune Mysteries, he refuses to admit Ariane into the tower, reassuring that he has prepared a ritual to cast Icyenic Purge in order to rid the tower beam of the vortice that attacked Wizard Borann. During the ritual, however, he is distracted by the player playing the lower manuals of the organ in order to buy time for Ariane to cast the proper spell and save the day. After the quest Rune Memories, Sedridor will be saddened by the betrayal of Wizard Ellaron and offer players to take from his personal rune essence chest after the quest which yields essence equal to a base amount + your runecrafting level*5. He will also offer the Archmage title to players who have 99 Magic and Runecrafting.
- Sedridor is the current archmage of the second Wizards' Tower, which trains wizards in the magical arts. He can be found in his office on the floor[UK] of the tower.