| - The Fairwind was a large gunship of a design reminiscent of large sailing ships. The vessel was built with a rounded hull, twin masts, wings, and a large figurehead. When the ship flew in atmosphere, its upper surface operated as an open-air deck. The heavily-armed Fairwind sported three double-barrelled laser cannons and two laser turrets. Its wooden hull was covered with deflector shield skins. The Fairwind was owned by Jedi Lord and Master Valenthyne Farfalla. Farfalla used the vessel in his fleet while recruiting Jedi Knights to join with Lord Hoth and his Army of Light on Ruusan during the New Sith Wars. After gathering together three hundred Knights, Farfalla returned to the planet with his starship and a number of other gunships. However, a Sith blockade prevented him from reuniting with Lord Hoth until treachery within the Sith ranks created an opening for the armada. Farfalla broke through the blockade, rescuing Lord Hoth and his forces in a crucial intervention that helped turn the tide of the war. Hoth's forces were replenished, and the desperate Sith Lord Skere Kaan activated a thought bomb, which ultimately decimated both the Jedi and Sith's ranks on Ruusan. The war came to and end, and in the battle's aftermath, Farfalla led rescue missions from the Fairwind in an effort to recover Jedi survivors.