| - The creature standing on top of the evolution system isn't human, but a creature named The Majin. Majin Devil is a story about a young nerd who fights against monsters of all sorts, and eventually faces Majin, who wants to take his body. Majin Devil is a 2001 2-book manga series by Oh Great! (Ogure Ito). With that, comes Oh Great!'s infamous "story-telling" (he comes up with his own rules for defying physics, biology, etc). Some people may need Brain Bleach after reading this. This manga provides examples of:
| - The creature standing on top of the evolution system isn't human, but a creature named The Majin. Majin Devil is a story about a young nerd who fights against monsters of all sorts, and eventually faces Majin, who wants to take his body. Majin Devil is a 2001 2-book manga series by Oh Great! (Ogure Ito). With that, comes Oh Great!'s infamous "story-telling" (he comes up with his own rules for defying physics, biology, etc). Some people may need Brain Bleach after reading this. This manga provides examples of:
* A Friend in Need: Haru is Tomoe's old friend from middle school who got turned into a rokuro-kubi monster by The Professor. Guess who comes to Tomoe's aid when she was chased by other rokuro-kubi human-turned-devils?
* Aerith and Bob: Kazuya, Tetsu, Satomi, Tomoe, and... Harry?
* Asskicking Pose: Dekoppa, a few times. Sometimes with Stuff Blowing Up (or otherwise disintegrating) on the background.
* Ass Shove: Hayashi-sensei did this on Harry... with a lit cigarette.
* Backstory: The first two chapters.
* Badass: If this series runs on nightmare, then badass is the motor oil. Tetsu and Satomi are the plain examples.
* Badass Bookworm: Dekoppa when not possessed. "After all, I am the son of a biologist."
* Badass Normal: Dekoppa, who curbstomps legitimate monsters... with science!
* Battle in the Center of the Mind: in the final chapter. See also CMoA below.
* BFG: The Majin had one on his arm as his main mode of asshanding.
* Body Horror: Too many to list, but one of the worst is chapter 3. The guy also sleeps with women and impregnates them with embryo/spider monsters that either burst out of the woman's womb or emerge from her belly, like the Chest Burster in Aliens.
* Oh, and the making of rokuro-kubi type of monsters, described in loving detail (with live practice!) by the resident Mad Scientist.
* Curb Stomp Battle: Well, the titular Majin/Pale Vampire is the embodiment of this. That is, until he gets his dose of curbstomping from Dekoppa.
* Did Not Do Research: Somewhere, a biologist, physicist, mathematician, and biochemist are crying together.
* Lampshaded by Tomoe when she was chased by a gang of rokuro-kubi.
* Embarrassing Nickname: The protaganist is nicknamed Dekoppa. His real name is Idetora Kazuya.
* The End - or Is It?: In the ending, Dekoppa is shown with a shadow similar in shape to the Majin.
* Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: The Fuuga Clan chief/sole survivor in Chapter 6.
* Eye Scream: The making of rokuro-kubi devils.
* For Science!: The Professor. He likes to study things, and it's no surprise that things get out of hand later on... on the other hand, Hayashi-sensei is this on a much lesser degree. Dekoppa's parents is a questionable case, since they are researchers but it isn't clear whether For Science! is the reason for the Parental Abandonment.
* Grand Theft Me: The Professor gets bodyjacked by The Majin in the final chapter, demonstrating his ability to memetically infect people and turn them into an entity under his control.
* Hannibal Lecture: The Professor delivers one in chapter 6. Dekoppa's recitation of the mathematical formula to apoptosis in the final chapter can be considered as this.
* Hit Points: Dekoppa receives 3652 points of damage!
* Hive Mind: The Big Bad calls his embryo/spider minions in Chapter 3.
* Improbable Weapon User: A Mook uses a giant pair of pliers to kill people. Well, to be fair he uses that plier to throw chunks of rock at bullet-like speeds...
* Journey to the Center of the Mind: The Professor and Dekoppa embark in one journey into Dekoppa's mind just to see what exactly The Majin is. It doesn't end well, naturally.
* Licking the Blade: Not a blade, but a window. Like a dog licking a window of a butcher shop. But it's a cute doe-eyed girl who wants a pretty watch in the window. So she licks it...and her saliva melts the glass.
* Mad Scientist: The Professor, although he is more of a Mad Surgeon playing Mix-and-Match Critters with people and demons.
* Mate or Die: "The only reason I wanted your ass was to get at your fallopian tubes." Guh.
* One-Winged Angel: In chapter 4, a guy goes from handsome winged angel to some kind of giant spider monster.
* Parental Abandonment: Dekoppa's parents, presumably due to their research.
* Petting Zoo People: Satomi becomes one due to Tetsu attacking and possibly raping her (although in all fairness they apparently weren't blood-siblings) and passing the devil traits to her. The fact that she fed on stray animals instead of people may have had something to do with it.
* The Power of Rock: Satomi's song is powerful enough to deflect a bullet from Majin's BFG. It can heal, and it can send people into their mindscape too. Plus, some of the words are actually pretty poetic. Gigantis' power is similar to this but is mainly for destruction and is not a song.
* Red Baron: Tetsu in his gang days.
* Screw This, I'm Outta Here: The resident Mad Scientist infecting people with the devil virus tries to flee with two assistants with coolers full of 'precious DNA samples' he used to cook up trouble. He didn't make it... but it was just a decoy clone.
* Shadow Pin: By demonic babies,no less!
* Spit Take: Dekoppa, when he found out from Hayashi-sensei that Tomoe is pregnant.
* Unflinching Walk: Dekoppa vs Gigantis in the ninth chapter.
* What Happened to the Mouse?: Ashihara's baby/spider nymph. When its 'father' died, did it become dormant or disintegrate in the womb? Or did she manage to abort it before any apparent ill effects?