└ Ability Power boosted by 5 for each increase in Skill level.
* Fire, water, wind, light, and dark Elemental Attack increased for all allies by 3 for 50 seconds.
* Casts karma on all enemies.
* Casts a 30% reflect barrier on all allies for 40 seconds.
└ スキルLvが1上昇する毎に威力5上昇
* 味方全体の火・水・風・光・闇属性攻撃補正値が50秒間、3上昇
* 敵全体に因果応報
* 味方全体に20%ダメージ反射効果を30秒間付与
Unofficial Translation:
* Ability Power 120. Damages all enemies with magic light damage. Chance to hit 3-6 times at success of 100 points.