| - There are a number of ways to interrupt the science processing manually, temporarily with Snooze / Pause and indefinitely with Suspend, by using the graphical user interfaces (GUI) of BOINC Manager in simple and advanced view.
* Selecting Snooze from the system tray menu, right-click icon, overrides the 'run....' setting and suspends activity for one hour, 60 minutes.
* Selecting the Pause button in the simple view, also lasting 60 minutes. A Snooze or Pause status is identified with: 1.
* A tick mark before Snooze on the BOINC Manager system tray icon (right click, pop up menu). 2.
* By the Resume button in the Simple View. 3.
* By the Suspend option being selected in Activity menu of the advanced view.
* Selecting Suspend in the Activity menu of the advanced view stopping processing indefinitely. This status is identified by: a. Snooze being grayed out in the system tray, right click, pop up menu. b. By the Resume button in the simple view. c. By the selected Suspend option in Activity menu of the advanced view. A Resume of computations from temporary Snooze / Pause or indefinite Suspend can be done in several ways:
* Deselecting Snooze from the system tray menu, right-click icon, which only works if there is a tick mark in front.
* Selecting "Run always" or "Run based on preferences" in the Activity menu of the advanced view.
* Selecting the Resume button in the Simple View If BOINC Manager is loaded, all interruptions of processing are identified by a system tray icon showing a pause symbol (2 vertical bars). Hovering with the mouse over the icon will show a balloon with status information. Caveat: Those clients that were installed using the Service / Protected option can only be controlled from a signed in User with the appropriate authorization. Without that, BOINC Manager is not allowed to connect to the Core Client service!