Princess Penelope is a character released for the update on July 23, 2014. She is unlocked upon completion of Krusty's Giant Wheel in Krustyland.
Penelope Owsley (aka Princess Penelope) was a new addition on The Krusty the Clown Show, originally put in to attract more female viewers. She was almost married to Krusty the Clown.
Princess Penelope is the daughter of King Peter the Persnickety in "The King Banishes the Letter P" from Sesame Street.
Penelope Owsley alias Princess Penelope is a minor heroine from TV Series "The Simpsons". She appeared in the episode "Once Upon a Time in Springfield". She was a new addition on The Krusty the Clown Show, originally put in to attract more female viewers. She was almost married to Krusty the Clown. She also appeared in "The Simpsons: Tapped Out". She is voiced by Anne Hathaway.