| - Ocarina of Time is a microgame found in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, made by 9-Volt. It is based on the Nintendo 64 game of the same name. Link must pull the Master Sword out of the stone in all three difficulties.
- is gud gaem Game played, of course, at OoTRaces.
- The Ocarina of Time is a musical instrument used by the Link from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where various songs could be played on it for different effects.
- The legendary Ocarina of Time is a musical instrument with special powers. Link used it to help him on many of his quests. 7 years after stopping Ganon from taking over Hyrule, Ganon somehow escaped and imprisoned Link taking away all his equipment including the Ocarina. Link escaped and got new equipment from a gibdo before finding a clone of himself. He defeated him. Then the fake ran away but before he was gone he dropped the Ocarina of Time. (Zelda Series: "Zelda Game") CREATED BY: Shiguru Miyamoto
- This item can be picked up and used by pressing A to play only one song randomly chosen from either The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, each one having different effects. Once the song is played, the item cannot be used again, but can used as a throwing item, but only once.
- The Ocarina of Time (時のオカリナ Toki no Okarina?) is a recurring item in the Legend of Zelda series. The Ocarina of Time is a unique ocarina secretly handed down for generations by Hyrule's Royal Family. The Ocarina of Time, the Spiritual Stones, the "Song of Time", and the Master Sword are the four keys needed to enter the Sacred Realm where the Triforce is found. Aside from being one of the keys to enter the Sacred Realm, the ocarina allows the user a variety of magical powers when used to play specific songs such as warping them to different timeline worlds, conjuring up storms and changing day to night or night to day.
- La historia comienza con un joven llamado Link que vive en el Bosque Kokiri, marginado por ser el único muchacho del lugar que no tiene su propia hada guardiana. Tenía terribles pesadillas acerca de una mujer de cabello blanco que escapaba a caballo de un inmenso castillo con una niña rubia, perseguida por un hombre de aspecto malvado montado sobre un caballo negro, le azotaban y le quitaban el sueño noche tras noche.
| - Ocarina of Time is a microgame found in WarioWare: Smooth Moves, made by 9-Volt. It is based on the Nintendo 64 game of the same name. Link must pull the Master Sword out of the stone in all three difficulties.
- is gud gaem Game played, of course, at OoTRaces.
- La historia comienza con un joven llamado Link que vive en el Bosque Kokiri, marginado por ser el único muchacho del lugar que no tiene su propia hada guardiana. Tenía terribles pesadillas acerca de una mujer de cabello blanco que escapaba a caballo de un inmenso castillo con una niña rubia, perseguida por un hombre de aspecto malvado montado sobre un caballo negro, le azotaban y le quitaban el sueño noche tras noche. Mientras, el Árbol Deku siente que una presencia maligna se acerca a Hyrule, y ordena al hada Navi que busque al niño sin hada. Link, después de matar al jefe del primer calabozo pequeño ubicado en el Venerable Árbol Deku, quien le explica la importancia de sus sueños y le encomienda la misión de partir en un gran viaje en busca de la Princesa del Destino que debería revelarle el camino que le llevaría a descubrirse a sí mismo, y le asigna a Navi como hada guardiana, no sin antes entregarle la esmeralda Kokiri. Tras llegar al castillo de Hyrule, Zelda y Link, el único que cree en las premoniciones de la princesa, se alían para luchar contra Ganondorf, el malvado líder de las Gerudo que jura falsa lealtad al rey, para evitar que éste se apodere de la sagrada Trifuerza. Juntos traman una conspiración para obtener las tres piedras espirituales que, junto con la Ocarina del Tiempo, son necesarias para abrir la Puerta del Tiempo donde se encuentra esta maravillosa reliquia y obtenerla antes que el villano, evitando, así, que la leyenda se cumpla y el reino quede sumido en el caos. No obstante el destino parecía haber decidido que Ganon se apoderara de ella. Link consigue abrir las puertas en el interior del Templo del Tiempo, pero al sacar la Espada Maestra de su pedestal su alma queda atrapada en el Sagrado Reino durante 7 años permitiendo que Ganon entre al templo e intente robarse la Trifuerza. Pero fue un éxito a medias, al no tener un corazón puro la Trifuerza se dividió en tres partes: Poder, Sabiduría y Valor, obteniendo Ganon únicamente la Trifuerza de Poder, más acorde a su alma. Tras esto el joven Héroe se convierte al despertar en un hombre fuerte, portador de la Trifuerza de Valor, aquel capaz de viajar en "la corriente del Río del Tiempo" gracias a la Espada Maestra: el Héroe del Tiempo,en ese mismo instante conoce a Sheik, un joven perteneciente a la raza de los Sheikah, que le explica lo que ha pasado. Convertido en un verdadero héroe, Link se embarca en un gran viaje por todo el reino de Hyrule en busca de aquellos sabios (Saria, Ruto, Darunia, Impa y Nabooru), misión encomendada al despertar a Link por el único sabio que habita el templo, Rauru, elegidos por el destino para ayudarle a sepultar el mal en las profundidades del, hasta entonces, llamado Reino Sagrado. Ocarina of Time narra las aventuras del Link original -el primero- que combatió al mal, la primera aparición de Ganondorf y cómo se cumplió la leyenda de la Trifuerza.
- The Ocarina of Time is a musical instrument used by the Link from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, where various songs could be played on it for different effects.
- The Ocarina of Time (時のオカリナ Toki no Okarina?) is a recurring item in the Legend of Zelda series. The Ocarina of Time is a unique ocarina secretly handed down for generations by Hyrule's Royal Family. The Ocarina of Time, the Spiritual Stones, the "Song of Time", and the Master Sword are the four keys needed to enter the Sacred Realm where the Triforce is found. Aside from being one of the keys to enter the Sacred Realm, the ocarina allows the user a variety of magical powers when used to play specific songs such as warping them to different timeline worlds, conjuring up storms and changing day to night or night to day. The Ocarina of Time can be played with the A and yellow C-buttons. In The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, a total of twelve songs can be learned; six songs with different effects and six songs that have different purposes. In The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, there are five of both types. Additionally, both games feature a special song known as the "Scarecrow's Song", which is composed by the player, but does not appear on the Quest Status Subscreen. Hyrule Historia describes the glow given off by the Ocarina of Time as reminiscent of the glow of an active Timeshift Stone, but does not go into further detail on what connection, if any, the two objects may have.
- The legendary Ocarina of Time is a musical instrument with special powers. Link used it to help him on many of his quests. 7 years after stopping Ganon from taking over Hyrule, Ganon somehow escaped and imprisoned Link taking away all his equipment including the Ocarina. Link escaped and got new equipment from a gibdo before finding a clone of himself. He defeated him. Then the fake ran away but before he was gone he dropped the Ocarina of Time. (Zelda Series: "Zelda Game") CREATED BY: Shiguru Miyamoto
- This item can be picked up and used by pressing A to play only one song randomly chosen from either The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time or The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, each one having different effects. Once the song is played, the item cannot be used again, but can used as a throwing item, but only once.