- At level 41 if you have the Blacksmith mill, this recipe will unlock.
- Iron Bar is used in the following recipes: Smelting (Mining)
* Smelt Steel - requires mining skill of 165
* one Iron Bar and one are smelted into one Alchemy
* Transmute: Iron to Gold Blacksmithing Engineering
* Jewelcrafting
- An Iron bar is a bar which can be made by using an iron ore on a furnace, which is part of the smithing skill. Smelting Iron Ore requires level 15 smithing. Unlike other ores, there is a 50% (0% if using Superheat item) chance the iron ore will be too "impure" to smelt into an iron bar. Upon successfully smelting an iron bar, the player receives 12.5 smithing experience. Iron bars can be exchanged for iron bar certificates by talking to Miles in the Draynor Village market or Watto in Zanaris. This makes trading bulk amounts of iron bars easier and faster.
- Name: Iron bar Description: A metal rod that can really make those on its receiving end reel. Rarity: 1 star
- Iron bar er en bar lavet af iron ore
- The Iron bar is an item in KQ5.
- Thi mam
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- Iron Bars are the refined form of Iron Ore, requiring 3 per bar. Iron is the third tier of materials available, better than Tin, but worse than Lead. A standard Furnace or higher is needed to craft them and an iron anvil to craft items with it. It is the most useful ore in the game because it can craft many things other than armor and tools. It is the counterpart of Lead Bars, in worlds where Iron replaces Lead Ore. File:Iron Bars stacked.png
- The Iron bar is the finished product after using an Iron ore on a furnace with 15 Smithing. Iron bars take longer to acquire since the chance of making one is slim. This makes the use of the spell Superheat item useful to completely remove the percentage chance of creating one from a normal furnace.
- Sztabka żelaza (ang. iron bar), jest wykorzystywana do wyrobu broni, pancerzy i narzędzi z żelaza. Aby ją uzyskać należy posiadać bryłkę żelaza oraz dostęp do pieca hutniczego. Żelazo jest specyficznym metalem, ponieważ mamy 50% szans na to, że uda nam się przetopić bryłkę na sztabkę. Na poziomie 45 szansa wynosi 80% i już dalej nie rośnie To jest jedynie zalążek artykułu. Jeśli potrafisz – rozbuduj go. Informacje zawarte na tej stronie są niepełne, dlatego otrzymała ona status zalążka. Po uzupełnieniu tej strony usuń szablon z jej kodu źródłowego. Iron bar
- Rautaharkon valmistus vaatii 15 Smithingin. Onnistuneesta harkon teosta saa 12,5 Smithing kokemusta.
- 16 Iron bars are required for quests (18 if you want your own blurite sword). Animal Magnetism requires 5, The Knight's Sword requires 2 (4 if you want your own blurite sword), Death Plateau requires 1, The Giant Dwarf requires 1, Troll Romance requires 1, Swan Song requires 5 and One Small Favour requires 1.
- Als een speler iron ore smelt, is er een 20-50% kans dat de ore niet zuiver genoeg is om er een bar van te maken. Als dat gebeurd, verdwijnt de ore en krijgt de speler geen Smithing experience. De kans dat het smelten van een iron bar succesvol is begint bij 50% op level 15, naarmaten de speler beter wordt in smitting zal de kans op het succesvol omsmelten groeien tot 80% op level 45. Om een 100% kans te krijgen op het smelten van een iron bar: Iron bars zijn ook de derde component voor het maken van Iron minotaur pouches voor de Summoning skill.
- Players with 15 Smithing can smelt iron ore into an iron bar by using it on a furnace, granting 12.5 Smithing experience. At level 15, there is a 50% chance of success ( profit), increasing by 1% per level, maxing out at 80% at level 45 ( profit). Wearing a ring of forging ( profit) or using the Superheat Item spell ( profit) ensures 100% success. Note: A ring of forging only lasts for 140 smelts. The Blast furnace can be used to smelt the iron ores at a 100% success rate. Iron bars are also the tertiary ingredient in infusing Iron minotaur pouches for the Summoning skill.
- Iron Ore can be found in Iron Nodes in the Stalactite layer and Lava layer. The ore has to be harvested with an Extractor, as the node itself cannot be pulled with Power Cells, it also cannot be placed. All Ores can be smelted into bars in a Forge for further processing. When taking an Iron Bar for the first time, the crafting-recipes for Iron Wall as well as for Iron Bars (lattice) are unlocked. Iron Bars (the ingot) can then also be hardened into Tempered Iron Bars for more specialized crafting-recipes. Iron Bars can also be processed in a Processor to Iron Rods and/or Iron Slabs.
- At level 15 Smithing players have a 50% chance of success to smelt an iron bar from an iron ore. The player's chance of success increases by 1% each additional Smithing level the player has advanced past level 15, up to a maximum of 80% at level 45 Smithing. However, using a ring of forging, casting Superheat Item, or using the Blast Furnace to smelt iron ore will always succeed in producing an iron bar.
- Esta página pertenece a la Negropedia. "¿Un poquito de Iron?" — Cualquiera, en cualquier momento. "Han abierto un local nuevo por aquí que me han dicho que está de puta madre... ¿Cómo se llamaba?...ah sí "Airon" " — Cristóbal Dobarro mientras te agarraba del hombro indicándote que le acompañases al Iron. Se rumorea que Palmero está en negociaciones para la adquisición del local, o eso dice él al preguntársele por qué pasa más horas que el resto de todas las personas que lo frecuentan juntas.