| - Kudamon is the digimon of Richard Sampson in Digimon Data Squad. He behave like a scarf, and follow his owner like a normal digimon, but he is so (or even more) serious like Gaomon and another DAT's digimon, although he is a rookie digimon. He is the comrade of Sampson, and talks with him seriously about the enemies and allies, so, he is the second more important being in the DAT's. After attacks of Kurata's servants, Kudamon showed his power, and appears as Reppamon (who is it?), and turns back Kudamon. After, Kudamon turns Chirinmon to fight against Kurata servants.
| - Kudamon is the digimon of Richard Sampson in Digimon Data Squad. He behave like a scarf, and follow his owner like a normal digimon, but he is so (or even more) serious like Gaomon and another DAT's digimon, although he is a rookie digimon. He is the comrade of Sampson, and talks with him seriously about the enemies and allies, so, he is the second more important being in the DAT's. After attacks of Kurata's servants, Kudamon showed his power, and appears as Reppamon (who is it?), and turns back Kudamon. After, Kudamon turns Chirinmon to fight against Kurata servants. But, the most powerful secret of Kudamon, was the fact that he is a Royal Knight (Sleipmon). He only showed his supreme evolution when the royal knights were known by Marcus and the others, and Kudamon appeared as another Royal Knight to complish the group showed in the anime; but, he appears as a ally of the humans and don't serves Yggdrasil, because he order the murder of the humans (before the Kurata battle, he was a servant of him, because Yggdrasil was a neutral digimon until that time). He almost die in the with Dukemon in the fight against him the seabed, but survives and with Dukemon (redeemed) helps Marcus to defeat Yggrasil.