| - Cordelia has a vision of a young woman being pulled through a dimensional portal. Team Wesley identify her as Winifred 'Fred' Burkle, a physics student who's been missing for the past six years. Meanwhile the Host hires them to find a Drokken demon, but is deliberately vague as to why until the same portal disgorges a demon warrior who turns out to be the Host's cousin, leading us to discover his origins.
* Alien Sky: Cordy looks up and sees two suns. She's not in California any more.
* All Part of the Show: How the Host tries to explain a portal to another dimension opening in the middle of his club, emitting a rampaging demon.
* Aura Vision: Landok can track the "waves of hostility" the Drokken leaves behind.
* Bait and Switch: Team Wesley is apparently out at a restaurant without Angel, when we hear Angel speaking and the camera pans over from the mirror to where they're actually sitting.
* Bait and Switch Comment: Gunn asks Wesley about the demon they're tracking. Mr. Exposition immediately starts rambling on about Hacklar demons until Gunn cuts to the chase.
* Battle Discretion Shot: The fight with the Hacklar Demon isn't shown.
* Be Careful What You Wish For: Cordy's acting career isn't all that she hoped. Angel finds himself tempted by the Black and White Morality of Lorne's dimension.
* Black Speech
* Buffy-Speak / Shaped Like Itself
* Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are: Angel stalking the Drokken.
* Department of Redundancy Department
* Does This Remind You of Anything?: Angel squeezes his axe handle while describing Cordy's skimpy bikini.
* Do Not Taunt Cthulhu: Furious over the patronising way Cordy's Smug Snake director is treating her, Angel offers to rip his head off. Literally.
* Disproportionate Retribution
* Embarrassing First Name: The Host's full name is "Krevlorneswath of the Deathwok Clan" in his native dimension, and he isn't too fond of his shortened name either -- the Host has has green skin, which apparently made some people think of Lorne Greene from Bonanza.
* Foreshadowing: The director snidely refers to Cordelia as 'princess'.
* Funny Foreigner: Cordy excusing Angel grabbing a woman's expensive shawl and accusing her of being a witch. He's French.
* Heroes Prefer Swords
* Heroic Self-Deprecation
* Humiliation Conga: Every member of Team Wesley appears to be going through this.
* Hypocritical Humor / All Men Are Perverts
* Kill It with Fire: Averted -- Wesley shoves a lit road flare down the Drokken's throat. The Drokken bites the flare in half. Earlier Wesley and Gunn debate the wisdom of using a flamethrower. They decide it might draw too much attention.
* Leeroy Jenkins: When Wesley shows uncertainty over how to go about killing the Drokken (his confidence having been severely shaken by his phone call to his father), both Landok and Angel grab swords and go charging in.
* Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Turns out to be a case of Tempting Fate. Lorne asks "What's say we all forget this ever happened?" after sending his cousin back through the portal. The other's agree -- Angel, Wesley, Gunn, Cordy...where's Cordy?
* Not Distracted by the Sexy: At Cordy's shoot, Angel walks right past a voluptuous bikini-clad blonde smiling invitingly at him, to stand on the desert island backdrop and pretend he's out in the sun. Averted when Cordelia removes her bathrobe to reveal her skimpy seashell bikini.
* Oh Crap: Cordelia uses those Exact Words when she wakes up in another dimension at the end of the episode.
* Political Correctness Gone Mad: Wesley has a black eye after saving some power walkers from being devoured by a Hacklar demon. The injury wasn't inflicted by the demon.
* Proud Warrior Race Guy: Lokken, and indeed all of the Host's race, except him.
* Remonstrating with an Axe: Angel, still fuming over Cordy's director, startles his friends with his wild gesturing when describing the incident.
* Sex Sells: Cordelia finds she's solely on stage for her gigantimous boobs.
* Shadow Discretion Shot: The Drokken making its first kill.
* Throwing Your Sword Always Works: How Angel kills the Drokken.
* Vomit Discretion Shot
* Weirdness Censor: A woman bumps into the Host at the library and assumes he's there in makeup for a children's reading. The Host slips into the role quite easily.
* "Well Done, Son" Guy: Wesley call home to boast of how he's now head of Angel Investigations, only to have his father bring up the whole business of being fired from the Watcher's Council.
* We Will Meet Again
* What the Hell, Hero?: Gunn finds that his gang have gone ahead with their anti-vampire rumble without him, and George has been killed.