If you reach 300 points on the Multi Screen series without losing a life, you are rewarded double points until you lose a life. If you reach a score of 999, the game will register the 998 as the higher score. If you get 999 and you lose one life, if will register 999.
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- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
- Game & Watch
| - Le Game & Watch (Japonais : ゲーム&ウオッチ, soit Gēmu & Uotchi) est une console portable électronique de Nintendo sorti en 1980. Ils ont un système de montre et de réveil. Le style de la console ressemble à la Nintendo DS. Ils ont été inventés par Gunpei Yokoi, grand créateur chez Nintendo, en particulier pour la Game Boy. Le premier Game & Watch est le Game & Watch : Ball. Il eut 59 versions et jeux sur le Game & Watch.
- I Game & Watch (conosciuti anche come G&W) sono una serie di giochi elettronici portatili, ideati da Gunpei Yokoi (noto anche per l'invenzione della croce direzionale e del Game Boy) e prodotti da Nintendo tra il 1980 ed il 1991. Per nostro (dis)piacere ne sono stati creati molti, con l'unico intento di possedere le giovani menti: ecco un elenco dei più famosi.
- If you reach 300 points on the Multi Screen series without losing a life, you are rewarded double points until you lose a life. If you reach a score of 999, the game will register the 998 as the higher score. If you get 999 and you lose one life, if will register 999.
- Game & Watch — серия портативных электронных игр с ЖК-экраном; серия была создана разработчиком игр Gunpei Yokoi в компании Nintendo, игры выпускались с 1980 по 1991 год. Большинство устройств позволяло играть только в одну игру, и включали в себя часы и будильник. На многих играх находились кнопки «Игра A» и «Игра B»; «Игра B» обычно была просто более быстрой и сложной версией «игры A». Устройства работали от батареек-"таблеток", из серии LR4x/SR4x использовались батарейки минимальной высоты. Последней игрой серии стала Mario the Juggler, выпущенная в 1991 году.
- As legend tells, one day Nintendo's game designer Gunpei Yokoi was strolling around until he saw a businessman playing with a calculator, so he had the idea to create a watch that could play some mini-games. And so was born the Game & Watch, a series of handheld mini-games which could also be used as a clock or alarm. Despite their relative simplicity, they were a huge success, as they were very fun time wasters.
- The Game & Watch series are a total of 60 handheld video games that were released between 1980 and 1991. The games were released a year before Donkey Kong, three years before the Famicom, and a whopping nine years before the Game Boy was released. While not Nintendo's initial entry into the video game market, it was one of their most successful products in the early 80's. After Nintendo started to develop popular series such as Donkey Kong, Mario and The Legend of Zelda, they constructed games based on these titles, and even made games that starred popular characters such as Mickey Mouse and Snoopy. The idea of the Game & Watch was conceived by Gunpei Yokoi.
- Gunpei Yokoi, traveling on a bullet train, saw a bored businessman playing with an LCD calculator by pressing the buttons. Yokoi then thought of an idea for a watch that doubled as a miniature game machine for killing time. The units use LR4x/SR4x "button-cell" batteries, the same type used in most laser pointers or watches. Different models were manufactured, with some having two screens and a clam-shell design (the Multi Screen Series). The Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance SP later reused this design.
- É responsável pela entrada da Nintendo, uma empresa produtora de brinquedos e cards, no mercado de videogames; os Game & Watch foram lançados em 1980 e se tratavam de uma coleção de 59 aparelhinhos de tela de cristal líquido, cada um com um jogo só. Os títulos variavam entre criações originais e remontagens (com personalidade própria) de sucessos dos fliperama. O sucesso foi tão grande que a Nintendo fabricou a série Game & Watch até 1991 (quando o Game Boy já era um sucesso mundial)
- thumb|330pxEs una linea de videoconsolas portátiles creadas por Gunpei Yokoi y distribuidas por Nintendo, estas tenian cada una un unico juego preinstalado, además de servir como reloj y alarma. En la posterior plataforma Game Boy, han aparecido una serie de recopilaciones de estos juegos Game & Watch, con versiones modernizadas aparte de la versión original. También salieron recopilatorios de sus juegos en DSi Ware.
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| - É responsável pela entrada da Nintendo, uma empresa produtora de brinquedos e cards, no mercado de videogames; os Game & Watch foram lançados em 1980 e se tratavam de uma coleção de 59 aparelhinhos de tela de cristal líquido, cada um com um jogo só. Os títulos variavam entre criações originais e remontagens (com personalidade própria) de sucessos dos fliperama. Os jogos Game & Watch mais sofisticados, como o arrasante Donkey Kong, foram os primeiros dispositivos da Nintendo a usar o direcional em forma de cruz -- por sinal, idêntico ao que viria a ser adotado nos videogames domésticos a partir daí. O sucesso foi tão grande que a Nintendo fabricou a série Game & Watch até 1991 (quando o Game Boy já era um sucesso mundial)
- Game & Watch — серия портативных электронных игр с ЖК-экраном; серия была создана разработчиком игр Gunpei Yokoi в компании Nintendo, игры выпускались с 1980 по 1991 год. Большинство устройств позволяло играть только в одну игру, и включали в себя часы и будильник. На многих играх находились кнопки «Игра A» и «Игра B»; «Игра B» обычно была просто более быстрой и сложной версией «игры A». Устройства работали от батареек-"таблеток", из серии LR4x/SR4x использовались батарейки минимальной высоты. Устройство появилось благодаря тому, что Gunpei Yokoi, путешествуя на поезде Синкансэн, заметил скучающего бизнесмена, играющего с калькулятором нажимая на кнопки. Yokoi тогда подумал об идее маленькой игровой машинки, которая может использоваться как часы и позволит скоротать время. Выпускались различные модели и варианты игр, некоторые из устройств имели два экрана и дизайн в виде «раскладушки». Позже такой вариант был вновь использован в дизайне Nintendo DS. Последней игрой серии стала Mario the Juggler, выпущенная в 1991 году.
- Gunpei Yokoi, traveling on a bullet train, saw a bored businessman playing with an LCD calculator by pressing the buttons. Yokoi then thought of an idea for a watch that doubled as a miniature game machine for killing time. The units use LR4x/SR4x "button-cell" batteries, the same type used in most laser pointers or watches. Different models were manufactured, with some having two screens and a clam-shell design (the Multi Screen Series). The Nintendo DS and Gameboy Advance SP later reused this design. Titles available in Game & Watch form vary from Mickey Mouse to Balloon Fight, including Nintendo staples such as Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, and Mario Bros.. For a more complete list, see List of Game & Watch games.
- Le Game & Watch (Japonais : ゲーム&ウオッチ, soit Gēmu & Uotchi) est une console portable électronique de Nintendo sorti en 1980. Ils ont un système de montre et de réveil. Le style de la console ressemble à la Nintendo DS. Ils ont été inventés par Gunpei Yokoi, grand créateur chez Nintendo, en particulier pour la Game Boy. Le premier Game & Watch est le Game & Watch : Ball. Il eut 59 versions et jeux sur le Game & Watch.