| - It is unknown if the Reclaimer was ever human, or even ever mortal. It appears as a hulking, humanoid form wrapped in a dense matte of vines, mud, and decaying plant matter. The Reclaimer is a nature spirit who despises mortal artifice, especially higher technologies. It claims the materials they use are stolen and kept from nature, and that their creations must be destroyed and allowed to rejoin the cycle of life.
| - It is unknown if the Reclaimer was ever human, or even ever mortal. It appears as a hulking, humanoid form wrapped in a dense matte of vines, mud, and decaying plant matter. The Reclaimer is a nature spirit who despises mortal artifice, especially higher technologies. It claims the materials they use are stolen and kept from nature, and that their creations must be destroyed and allowed to rejoin the cycle of life.
* Tenents
* Abnegation Carry minimal man-made equipment: only what is necessary to survive; Benefit You get a potency bonus to saves vs any alchemical item, extract, or invention's effects.
* Joining Maintain the purity of and communion with nature. Tend to unhealthy plants, care for injured animals, and sleep outside; Benefit You get a potency bonus to Handle Animal and Knowledge (Nature) skill checks.
* Purification Never create, use, or abet high technology. Destroy it, if doing so will not work against your immediate safety or goals; Benefit You get a potency bonus to attack and damage rolls vs constructs and items.