| - Earth Eagle first appears when Gingka is battling some bey thugs, being able to one shot them in one go. Gingka becomes impressed and asks him MAAANY M A A N Y M AA A A A A A A A AN YYYYYYYYYYYYY questions, while Tsubasa supposedly answered a few of them. After that, Tsubasa and Gingka dominate the tournament, eventually meeting each other in the finals, where Tsubasa purposely loses while giving Gingka advice. Then, he rekts Kumasake, which after that he sneaks into the Dark Nebula. It proves to be equal to Flame Libra as Yu Tendo/Tender gets really annoyed. And then he intervenes a tournament and rekts Kenta. Then he quits the Dark Nebula saying he was undercover. Then he battles Ryuga, when he almost loses but Gingka's dadey intervenes and saves Tsubasa. But then he fights Ryuga and g
| - Earth Eagle first appears when Gingka is battling some bey thugs, being able to one shot them in one go. Gingka becomes impressed and asks him MAAANY M A A N Y M AA A A A A A A A AN YYYYYYYYYYYYY questions, while Tsubasa supposedly answered a few of them. After that, Tsubasa and Gingka dominate the tournament, eventually meeting each other in the finals, where Tsubasa purposely loses while giving Gingka advice. Then, he rekts Kumasake, which after that he sneaks into the Dark Nebula. It proves to be equal to Flame Libra as Yu Tendo/Tender gets really annoyed. And then he intervenes a tournament and rekts Kenta. Then he quits the Dark Nebula saying he was undercover. Then he battles Ryuga, when he almost loses but Gingka's dadey intervenes and saves Tsubasa. But then he fights Ryuga and gets rekt in Battle Bladers, meeting his fate. He appeared as a SOUL during the final battle. After he got to Metal Masters, he went through Darkness Shenanigans, overcomes it, and battles for Yu's freedom. Then he battles everyone in the tower tournament, rekting everyone, including Kenta. But then holds his own against Ryuga a little bit shorter than Kenta (It Just Works), but then Tsubasa had a normal blader life, until he battled with the gang against Nemesis, breaking the nemesis barrier so the legendary bladers can perform Zeus Barrier. Although his bey stopped after.