| - "Is there another way to handle this problem, Septa Eleanor?"
- "Why wouldn't I just ignore an old knight who's slandering me, Gammer?"
- "We''ll respond in kind to my old friend's disgusting lies about my service as a knight."
- "[My lord/lady], a knight friend of yours named Ser Vellus is telling the Hargests tales that you succumbed to cowardice on the field of battle."
- "Ser Vellish was your friend, have you tried to ask him why he means to say such things about your performance as a knight? Jealousy, perhaps?"
- "Because lies can bring in some coin, make him notorious? Mark my words, he'll tell more lies until he finds ones that the Hargests will act on..."
- "We'll send a sworn sword to put a permanent end to Ser Vellish's gossip."
- "I've never fled a battle in my life. Ser Vellish lies about my past, but what can I do?"
- Your former friend, another knight. You were close then, but later something happened to make him change his mind about you.
- "We'll send a sworn sword to reason with Ser Vellish, and find the meaning of these lies."
- "I could circulate lies against him, using my contacts. Vellus is of lower station, [my lord/lady], but everyone's vulnerable to slander."