| - The No Beard Pirates (いいえひげの海賊団 Īe Hige no Kaizokudan) are a pirate crew and the main antagonists of the One Dream series; making them the natural arch-enemies to protagonists, Jolly D. Chris, Ika, Blade D. Kris, Dieu-le-Veut Veronica and their respective crews. The No Beard Pirates first debuted during the Peabody Arc, where they acted as the main antagonists of the story arc and were ultimately defeated in battle by The Jolly Pirates. The No Beards are also the former crew of which the Peabody sisters, Rune and Karen were forced into before the Jollys set them free. Currently, the crew consists of a large force ranging from weak subordinates to powerful officers, a pirate ship known as The Edge of Chaos, a total bounty of File:Bsymbol.gif768,000,000 and are the owners of various territor
| - The No Beard Pirates (いいえひげの海賊団 Īe Hige no Kaizokudan) are a pirate crew and the main antagonists of the One Dream series; making them the natural arch-enemies to protagonists, Jolly D. Chris, Ika, Blade D. Kris, Dieu-le-Veut Veronica and their respective crews. The No Beard Pirates first debuted during the Peabody Arc, where they acted as the main antagonists of the story arc and were ultimately defeated in battle by The Jolly Pirates. The No Beards are also the former crew of which the Peabody sisters, Rune and Karen were forced into before the Jollys set them free. Currently, the crew consists of a large force ranging from weak subordinates to powerful officers, a pirate ship known as The Edge of Chaos, a total bounty of File:Bsymbol.gif768,000,000 and are the owners of various territories throughout the world as well as the leading force behind the naval force known as the No Beard Pirate Army. Due to recruiting Choko, who dreams of finding the legendary treasure, One Piece, the No Beards are currently making an attempt to sail for Raftel. Amongst the territories owned by the crew, the most valuable appear to be situated within the New World. One such island that was under the No Beards' control was the hidden criminal paradise, Shita, which officially belonged to The New Blazing Mane Pirates, allies of the No Beards, whom acted as the figurehead leaders of Shita. Through Shita, The No Beard Pirates were capable of vastly spreading their influence throughout the criminal underworld, which would help to strengthen their pirate army. Shita was taken from them however, by The Jolly Pirates, whom claimed ownership of Shita shortly after. The No Beard Pirates were also the crew which Jolly D. Chris and Chiyome Lys temporarily sailed with (albeit under the influence of brainwashing at the time) during the Jollys' Defeat Arc. They have also made allies with various organizations and groups throughout their travels, such as the now disbanded Red Mafia and the imposing Daikokuten. While starting off as a somewhat average threat to the World Government, due to their anti-government stance and direct assaults against the Marines, World Government and the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the No Beards steadily grew into a much fiercer, more malevolent force during the two year time skip. Lead by their anarchist captain, Sharp Francis, the crew began to change their tactics from simply harassing the World Government to outright building a global superpower to rival the World Government's strength and influence, in the hopes of completing No Beard's dream of annihilating the World Government and throwing the entire world into a state of anarchy for his own amusement. As a result of their growing infamy, the No Beards have become key targets for various individuals and organizations alike; ranging from the Daikokuten to even Lucius and his Black Dog Army.