| - This was a pretty debated match, although it really shouldn't have been. Mario is the absolute worst possible character for Pac-Man to share a poll with -- worse than Link, even -- because they're both from the exact same time period and appeal to the exact same people. And while both are complete legends in the industry, Mario definitely got the better end of the fame stick. Yet for some reason, most people thought Pac-Man would get second place over Big Boss anyway. Possibly because of the big Pac-Man > Ocelot upset a couple years prior, I dunno. Board 8 actually got this one right, so it was a good HAW HAW CASUALS day. What most people didn't expect though was just how easy this would be for Big Boss. Mario didn't just beat Pac-Man; he pounded the living crap out of him. Pac-Man v Mario heads-up in this match wouldn't have even gotten Pac-Man 15% of the votes, allowing Big Boss to get one of the more surprising easy second place finishes around. This match was the first in a long line of Mario > Big Boss results across the years, and while it's not quite as bad as Snake > Knuckles was it's pretty close. Oddly enough, I'm still not sure how a Pac-Man vs Big Boss match would go. Big Boss probably wins, but I wouldn't feel comfortable picking it. Wander of course got last place even with the ridiculousness everywhere else. lol Wander and lol his game.