| - This is a transcript for the episode of Fanboy and Chum Chum: The Anime, The Battle Begins!! Fanboy vs. Boog!!.
* [It is a nice and sunny day, and Boog was driving his car, Sandy.]
* Boog: Oh, yeah! Another day, another Chimp Chomping up ahead!
* [Boog parks at the Frosty Mart.]
* Boog: Stay beautiful, Sandy!
* Fanboy (offscreen): WATCH OUT!
* [Fanboy and Chum Chum are doing a contest to see who can stay on a log the longest.]
* Chum Chum: WHEE!
* [The boys fall off the log, and the log runs over Boog.]
* Boog: AAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Your log gave me splinters! What were you doing anyway?!
* Fanboy: We were doing a contest to see who can stay on that log the longest.
* Chum Chum: Whoever loses has to eat fake snowfakes.
| - This is a transcript for the episode of Fanboy and Chum Chum: The Anime, The Battle Begins!! Fanboy vs. Boog!!.
* [It is a nice and sunny day, and Boog was driving his car, Sandy.]
* Boog: Oh, yeah! Another day, another Chimp Chomping up ahead!
* [Boog parks at the Frosty Mart.]
* Boog: Stay beautiful, Sandy!
* Fanboy (offscreen): WATCH OUT!
* [Fanboy and Chum Chum are doing a contest to see who can stay on a log the longest.]
* Chum Chum: WHEE!
* [The boys fall off the log, and the log runs over Boog.]
* Boog: AAAAAUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Your log gave me splinters! What were you doing anyway?!
* Fanboy: We were doing a contest to see who can stay on that log the longest.
* Chum Chum: Whoever loses has to eat fake snowfakes.
* Boog: Grr... I'm going to bop you so hard...
* Fanboy: We accept!
* Boog: How did you know I was going to say to have a battle in your classroo- WOOOAAAHHHH!!!!!
* [Boog slips and rolls.]
* Fanboy: Run Chum Chum! Run like the-RAAAAA!!!!!!!! (gets rolled over by Boog.)
* [They continue rolling.]
* [Title card]
* [They are still rolling, and then, they crash into the Frosty Mart.]
* Boog: Okay. Fight: Friday Night. In the Classroom. Bring a bucket for your blood. Lenny, I'll have to leave work now because of bopping training.
* Lenny: You always leave work early.
* [5 days later...]
* Fanboy: Wow, time went fast.
* Chum Chum: I know! Are you nervous, Fanboy?
* Fanboy: No. Why?
* [Boog crushes a skull.]
* Chum Chum: Where did he get that skull?
* Michael Johnson: Alright! It's Friday Night battle! Fanboy...
* Kids: YAY!
* Michael Johnson: ...vs. Boog!
* Kids: BOO!
* [Boog punches Chris Chuggy's teeth out like dentures.]
* Chris Chuggy: Woh!
* Michael Johnson: Let the battle begin!
* [Boog tries to bop Fanboy, but he dodges.]
* Boog: Stop... dodging... my... bops!
* [Boog's arm chases Fanboy around.]
* Fanboy: Hey, arm! Here I am, infront of your body!
* [Boog bops himself.]
* Fanboy: You lost our bet, Kyle. You owe us $100.000.
* Kyle: You are such idiots.
* Chum Chum: You mean ninnys.
* [Kyle gives them his money.]
* Fanboy: Quick, Chum Chum! To the Frosty Mart so we can have Frosty Freezy Freezes!
* [Fanboy uses Chum Chum as a rocket.]
* [Kyle leaves.]
* Janitor Poopatine: Now, I have to clean all of this up. Man, I hate my job.