| - In order to advance in the Investigator profession, Sims must solve cases. These cases work like opportunities, where the Sim must talk to others and complete various tasks. The Case of Gnome Footsy It's often said that you shouldn't keep a garden gnome if you have soft-toed shoes. The things are so kickable. Unfortunately, [Sim 1] wants me to track down who is kicking a gnome. [Sim 1]'s gnome. I should ask [Sim 1] who would do such a thing. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is fairly convinced the next door neighbor, [Sim 2], is guilty of the gnome kicking. I should rummage through [Sim 2]'s garbage to see if I can find any evidence of wrong doing. Maybe then [Sim 1] can bring the gnome out of hiding. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 2]'s Garbage Can for Clues Why would [Sim 2] own shoes with toes so mangled, presumably from kicking a gnome, that they needed to be thrown away? Very peculiar. I should speak to [Sim 2] about the shoes. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Shoes" to [Sim 2] [Sim 2] confessed to kicking the gnome and to having pronounced anger management issues. [Sim 2] agreed to stop kicking the gnome and to seek counciling. I should tell [Sim 1] the good news. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was relieved to hear about an end to the gnome abuse. The poor battered gnome will soon be comfortable in the sun once again. As for me, I earned my pay and solved the case. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Mysterious Mr. Gnome The Case of the Missing Mouthwash Families can be so ridiculous at times. I'm not sure why I've been called in to find some missing mouthwash. Seems to me a therapist should have been called instead. I should speak to [Sim 1] to get to the bottom of things. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] firmly believes a fellow member took the mouthwash to get even for when [Sim 1] stole a ham sandwich. If you ask me, vengeance for a stolen sandwich would be more severe. I should ask [Sim 2] about the mouthwash, or bribe them if it comes down to it. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Bribe" [Sim 2] for information I'm so glad I've been brought in to solve petty household rivalries. It appears, as expected, [Sim 2] stole the mouthwash. Luckily I can return it to [Sim 1] for my hopeful reward. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Mouthwash" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] sure was pleased to get back the mouthwash. Talk about your low expectations for life! Thankfully, I got paid a little. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Moodlet Minty Breath Digging for Dirt [Sim 1] wants me to dig up some low level dirt on someone. Before I get too deep into the case I should check with [Sim 1] for details that we cannot discuss over the phone. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is convinced [Sim 2] works for a small criminal organization in town. Evidence is required before [Sim 1] can conduct a citizen's arrest. I should inspect the mail and search through the garbage at [Sim 2]'s home. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail" and "Search through Garbage" at [Sim 2]'s Home. Ah ha! Based on the notes in this discarded diary, [Sim 2] is an aspiring crony in the local crime syndicate. [Sim 1] is quite the observant local snoop... and probably a creepy neighbor. I should report back to [Sim 1] with this information. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] squealed with delight when I presented the evidence. I've never seen somebody so happy to witness criminal activity. Some people just don't get enough excitement during their normal day to day. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 Hacked! [Sims 1] is furious about a double cross that cannot be discussed over the phone. My services are needed, so I should interview [Sim 1] for the details so that I can get to work. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 2] hacked into [Sim 1]'s personal computer, stole some files, and used them to earn an ill-gotten promotion from work. [Sim 1] wants me to obtain evidence so that all wrongs can be righted. I should hack into [Sim 2]'s computer. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Hack [Sim 2]'s computer from any computer. [Sim 2] has the setup of a novice hacker. Nothing but a crummy firewall and sloppy password protector barred my way. I took the files, left a few surprises, and got out. I should report back to [Sim 1] with the news. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is still seething with rage, but my job was done to the letter. I collected payment and bid adieu to this cyberspace double cross. Reward: Job Experience, §500 Bye Bye Flamingo [Sims 1] contacted me, mortified, because apparently a prized flamingo has gone missing. My old man used to always say flamingos got a pair of great legs but a terrible nose. Ha! I should ask [Sim 1] who might have taken the bird. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is too frantic to provide any decent information about a suspect or the bird's location. It looks like it'd be best if I asked around town for the bird's whereabouts. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Missing Flamingo" to 3 Sims The locals had mixed information about the bird's location, though I did hear from one citizen that the bird was located near a remote, freshwater body of water. I should snoop for clues near a pond that fits that description. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at a lake Oh, I found the flamingo all right. It's a lousy plastic statue! I wish somebody told me I was looking for tacky lawn art! I just need to return the flamingo to my bird-brained client, [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Flamingo" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was delighted to see the flamingo again. My feathers were too ruffled to take the affair seriously. I collected my fee and walked away. It's for the birds. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Moodlet Charitable The Case of the Snail Mail Jam Local political boss [Sim 1] has a case for me, something about mail fraud. I should report in to [Sim 1] to get the facts for the case. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is worried about mail fraud, specifically, an excess of mailbox spam. [Sim 1] wants me to bend the rules and go through a few mailboxes to find out who is spamming the citizenry. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail Box for Clues" 3 times All three mailboxes contained junk mail from the local bookstore. Used books? I don't think I care much for used books and apparently neither do the locals. I should report back to [Sim 1] so that the bookstore can be told to stop spamming folks. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is riled up like only a politician can be. I feel sorry for the local city council members about to get an ear full of filibuster. Hopefully the end result is less junk mail. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Moodlet Saving the Environment The Mystery of the Missing Mate Missing people reports occur all the time, though most often, folks just want to disappear for a while. My new client, [Sim 1], seems to think a friend has gone missing. I should speak to [Sim 1] for facts on the case. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] The missing Sim was last seen at the park during a picnic. Perhaps ants carried the poor Sim away, along with the ham sandwiches? I should snoop for clues at the main park in town. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the park. Follow the money is one of the most accurate sayings in my line of work. In this case, the money is a pay stub, addressed to my missing Sim. The pay stub is from the diner. I should enquire (sic) there. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Sim" at the diner. Our missing sim (sic) does work at the diner... most days. According to the manager, the sim (sic) has been calling sick in order to attend auditions at the theater. It appears the missing Sim may just be a hopeful actor...which may be worse. I should search the theater. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Look For Missing Sim" at the theater. I found the missing Sim at the theater rehearsing a monologue from the play, "Death of a Gnome Hawker." The Sim has been desperately trying to get a part in the play, all the while neglecting the job, friends, and family. I should report back to [Sim 1] with the news. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was furious, yet tickled, to hear about the missing Sim's disappearing stage act. I'm not sure [Sim 1] shares the Sim's optimism towards acting. The curtains are closed on this case. Reward: Job Experience, §500 In the Name of Love [Sim 1] is on the hunt for a ring. She wants to be engaged badly and she wants me to find out if one is on the way. This dame seems a bit crazy, but psychology isn't my profession. Being an Investigator is. I should check in with her first. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is definitely two nuts away from being a squirrel farm. Her boyfriend, [Sim 2], has no idea. I should search through his mail first to see if there's any evidence of a ring purchase. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail for Clues" at [Sim 2]'s house. [Sim 2] recently purchased a ring if this receipt here is telling the truth. If he's got the ring, I wonder why it hasn't been delivered yet? Maybe his trash can will tell the next chapter of this tale? Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Search Garbage for Clues" at [Sim 2]'s house. [Sim 2] recently purchased a bouquet of flowers, lovely arrangement, but threw them away. Cold feet? Too nervous to pop the question? Perhaps [Sim 2] has realized how intense his girlfriend is. I should tell [Sim 1] to back off a bit and ease up. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] refuses to admit she's a bit overbearing and intense. I guess that means she won't get the ring she wants any time soon. I got paid, so it isn't my problem. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Bermuda Triangle Love Triangle I got a call from a paranoid man who fears his true love has flown the coop. I imagine this gal has her reasons for ditching his (sic) fella, but right now I must assume she's a missing person. I need to ask [Sim 1] where [Sim 2] was last seen. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] I feel like I'm being tugged around like a bull by a matador. [Sim 1] doesn't seem to really know his "true love" very well at all. This means I need to ask around and see what other people know about her, considering there's nothing much he can tell me. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Sim" to 3 Sims It seems everyone in town is dating [Sim 2]. This is either the biggest love triangle in history or a lot of lies. Probably both. I think I should go through [Sim 2]'s mail. It's a dirty means to an end, but there's no free postage in this life. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail for Clues" at [Sim 2]'s house. Why is it that one mailbox contains a handful of mail, each piece addressed to a different lover, and each with a different name on the return? It doesn't look like 15 young ladies live in this house. Perhaps my contact at the local intelligence agency can help distill this nonsense into one name. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Call Intelligence Agency" at any phone. It turns out my contact at the intelligence agency has run across all of the names before. Each one is an alias of a well-known con-artist, a local musician. I'm going to catch the con backstage at the theatre (sic). Ha ha! Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Catch Con-Artist" at the theater. The culprit has been a con artist since conning became an art. Really, about the same amount of time she's been a failing musician. Her current hoax is to get everyone in town to fall in love with a fake name, then con them out of gifts and money. Well, I convinced her to cease, desist, and focus on her day job. Unfortunately, now I need to tell [Sim 1] the truth about his "love." Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] For a split second I watch [Sim 1]'s heart beat so strongly I thought the planet was turning. It was touching, but really it is all for the best. He re-allocated funds he was going to spend on a romantic vacation to pay me my fee. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Unsure Heart My new client, [Sim 1], wants to propose to his girlfriend. Unfortunately, the poor chap isn't sure if she actually loves him. This is where I come in. I need to go on a fact finding mission for a fluttering heart. I should check in with [Sim 1] first. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] really has in bad for this girl. I hope she's worth it. He suggested I speak to a few family members to see what they think of the current relationship. This seems like a good start. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Sim" to 2 Sims [Sim 1]'s family members don't see this relationship as a very strong one. They aren't keen on it at all. Strike one. I'm going to hack into the girlfriend's computer to see what she has to say about the subject. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Hack" on any computer. This is heart breaking. Thankfully, it's not my heart to break. [Sim 1]'s gal doesn't even mention him -- no pictures, no emails, no blog posts...it's as if she doesn't care. I should break the news to him so that he doesn't propose like a fool. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to Sim 1. [Sim 1] took the news in stride, which is something I admire. He plans to keep working on the relationship and bring her over to his point of view. I sure hope this love story has a happy ending. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Mystery of the Backwashed Toothbrush This small fry, [Child], is convinced somebody is using the wrong toothbrush. More specifically, [Child]'s toothbrush. If the kid is willing to part with an allowance to pay me, oh well. I should ask her who might be doing this. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Child] [Child] didn't offer me much. I should ask [Parent] about it to uncover the truth. Or I could always bribe her to get the info I need. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Bribe" [Parent] for information The bribe didn't uncover much, though it did cost me a few Simoleons. I should just report back to [Child] so I stop wasting my time on this small fry stuff. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Child] Oh cripes, I've been had by this kid! Nobody really used the toothbrush. It's a sham. [Child] figured I would dole out some bribe money, so the case was made up and I was called to empty my pockets. I better watch out for this kid in the future... Reward: Job Experience, §500, Moodlet Minty Breath The Case of the Longing Heart [Sim 1] is on love sick individual. After one phone call I'm inclined to call a doctor, but prognosis isn't my line of business. I agree to a quick interview to see how I can be of assistance. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] hasn't had a date in a long, long time. I think it's been so long the coroner's office can declare [Sim 1]'s love life legally dead. [Sim 1] wants me to ask around to see if I can find another lonely single. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Potential Dates" to 3 Sims It seems [Sim 2] may be the fellow lonely soul [Sim 1] needs. I'll deliver the information and hopefully earn a few Simoleons in the process. Time to report in. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] doesn't have a lot of hope left, but news of [Sim 2]'s potential availability seemed to liven spirits, mine included. I took my payment and wished [Sim 1] luck. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Relationship With [Sim 1] Scrounging for Blackmail [Sim 1] need to blackmail a local. I'm not sure why, but the client doesn't always explain things. I should check with [Sim 1] to learn more about the case. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] just wants some dirt on [Sim 2], but won't explain why. This job will make me feel dirtier than a week old sponge, but that's the job some days. I should inspect the mail and search through the garbage at [Sim 2]'s home. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail" and "Search through Garbage" at [Sim 2]'s Home I didn't find anything incriminating in [Sim 2]'s mailbox or garbage. Squeaky clean if you ask me. I'll just have to report back to [Sim 1] and explain that if it's blackmail that's desired, it won't be found here. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] looked at me like a cornered animal with just a hint of rabid fascination. I'm not sure I was working for the right individual. I'll just take my money and call this case closed! Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Missing Billfold Why is it that people are always losing their wallets? I cannot imagine a more important piece of leather. [Sim 1] wants to hire me to recover a lost wallet. I should interview [Sim 1] for details about the case. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] I asked [Sim 1] to mentally re-trace any footsteps taken over the last few hours. It appears [Sim 1] made a brief stop at beach, which means my first stop will be to snoop for clues there. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the Beach I managed to recover [Sim 1]'s driver's license, but no sign of the meatier prize -- the wallet. I should question some locals to see if they've seen the wayward wallet. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Wallet" to 3 Sims [Sim 2] claims to know something about the wallet, but won't reveal any information. I've seen this before. I'll either need to befriend [Sim 2] and be convincing enough...or use a bribe. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Convince" [Sim 2] to give up wallet I was able to convince [Sim 2] to hand over the wallet. [Sim 2] claimed to have found it on the ground. As usual, I heard the defense "I was going to return it!" Right. I should return the wallet to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Wallet" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] couldn't have been happier to see the recovered wallet. Turns out there was quite a bit of money in the wallet that, remarkably, nobody took. The case of the missing billfold is closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Relationship With [Sim 1] The Case of the Footsore Floater I just got a call from [Sim 1]. It seems every night someone or something is bruising [Sim 1]'s poor toes. It seems my cases are getting weirder every day. I should speak to [Sim 1] about who might be doing this wham-bang toe job. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] has long had qualms with a certain next door neighbor. Seems preposterous that the neighbor, [Sim 2], would go on a nightly toe smashing rampage, but who knows? I should speak to [Sim 2] about this accusation. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Accusation" with [Sim 2] The neighbor began cackling like a hyena who has had too much laughing gas at the dentist. It appears the real suspect is [Sim 1]. Every night [Sim 1] sleep walks and kicks a garden gnome. I should research sleep walking a little bit at the local hospital to see us the facts line up. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Research Sleepwalking" at local Hospital According to the docs the sleepwalking theory makes a lot of sense. It seems [Sim 1] has consulted with the hospital before for sleepwalking. I should tell [Sim 1] that I solved the case. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] wasn't surprised to hear about kicking the gnome while sleepwalking. Doesn't change the fact that I was surprised by it all. The gnome is going to be padded to preserve [Sim 1]'s toes. I'm going to take my fee and look for my next case. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Mysterious Mr. Gnome The Case of the Crush [Sim 1] called me in a total flutter. I think [Sim 1] is in love is the obnoxious lovey dovey jabber coming over the line is any indication. I should interview [Sim 1] to find out what's needed of me. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] Yup, [Sim 1] has it bad for a local named [Sim 2]. [Sim 1] is willing to pay me to ask around town to see if [Sim 2] has a crush. I hate playing cupid... not. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About [Sim 2]'s Crush" to 3 Sims The evidence of a crush is entirely inconclusive, but I'm worried that if I tell [Sim 1] no, I won't get paid. I'll need to play my cards carefully when I report in to him. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] I didn't lie to [Sim 1], per se. I just didn't reveal all of the facts. I also didn't give my professional opinion. I did lead [Sim 1] to believe that [Sim 2] had a crush, which was enough to get me paid and off the case. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Relationship With [Sim 1] The Case of the Hacked Off Client My client, [Sim 1], has heard through the grapevine that I'm a certified cyber-wiz. This may or may not be true, but I won't dissuade any clients from that "somewhat truth." I should interview [Sim 1] about the job. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] wants me to hack into the local business bureau's database to clear up a slight "credit mistransaction." Ethics aren't my department -- I'll do the hacking and [Sim 1] will need to sleep at night. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Use a computer to "Hack" into Creditor's Computer I was able to hack into the creditor's database and swap a few 1s with a few 0s. Nothing I did was too illegal, but my tracks are clear. They are always clear. I should report back to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] didn't exactly take the news as I explained. "Good, I can go shopping now," said [Sim 1]. I wanted to explain the benefits and virtues of a good, honest credit score. But that's not my line of work. I accepted payment and said goodbye. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Missing Pink Feathers [Sim 1] just contacted me about a prized flamingo statue that disappeared. I'm unclear as to what it is about a yard ornament that can be prized, but I'm not paid as a designer. I should ask [Sim 1] about potential suspects. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] spent more time gabbing about the estimated value of the statue and its regal origins than telling me anything useful about recovering the piece. I should ask around town to see if anybody has seen this prized piece. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Missing Flamingo" to 3 Sims The locals haven't been much help in my flamingo search. I'm back to square one, unfortunately. [Sim 1] was harping about how the flamingo is a piece of art work. Perhaps I might find it at the local art gallery? I should snoop around for clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the local Art Gallery I think I've been had. I found the flamingo at the art gallery, but I'm not sure it belongs here. I think [Sim 1] is so desperate to convince people the flamingo is art that [Sim 1] put it there...and forgot about it? Regardless, I should return the flamingo. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Flamingo" to [Sim 1] I returned the flamingo to [Sim 1] who was delighted to hear the flamingo was found at the art gallery. "How fitting," said [Sim 1]. "How deranged," I thought. I accepted my fee and backed away slowly. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Moodlet Charitable The Mystery of the Naked Ring Finger I just got a call from [Sim 1], who noticed that a prized ring was missing. One needs no more notification of stolen jewelry than a naked ring finger. I should interview [Sim 1] for facts. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] left the ring in the dining room, then left for work. The cops couldn't find any evidence, but I'm not sure the fuzz can find a ring that isn't made of dough and covered in sugar. I should dust for prints in the dining room. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dust for Prints: at [Sim 1]'s Home I found the prints, but the don't seem to match with any prints in my limited files. I should stop by the police station to run these prints against their database. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Prints" at police station There are not one, but two sets of prints on this ring. One set belongs to my client, [Sim 1]. The other belongs to [Sim 2]. Looks like I need to pay a firm visit to [Sim 2] regarding the ring. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Accost" [Sim 2] [Sim 2] claims to be innocent, as well as a good friend of [Sim 1]. It appears the two had coffee the other day. I should question [Sim 1] to see if [Sim 2]'s story checks out. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Coffee Visit" to [Sim 1] Seems our suspect was telling the truth. Strange that [Sim 1] would leave out such a significant detail. Something seems fishy. I should snoop around [Sim 1]'s house and see is I can find out what it is. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop For Clues" at [Sim 1]'s house I found the ring right here, tucked in a corner of the room! It looks like someone intentionally hid it. Why would someone hide the ring in the house where they stole it from? Well, might as well return it. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Ring" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] got real nervous when I showed up with the ring and just started blabbing. Seems he was trying to frame my previous suspect for stealing it. Can't pull a trick like that on me. [Sim 1] paid up… even giving me a little extra. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of a Little Dirt [Sim 1] wants me to obtain some dirt on someone. I should check with him to learn more about the case. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is convinced [Sim 2] is trying to hack into the public library's database. As a stalwart defender of public libraries, [Sim 1] wants you to gather evidence by inspecting the mail and searching the trash at [Sim 2]'s home. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail" and "Search through Garbage" at [Sim 2]'s Home Turns out [Sim 1]'s wild suspicions were correct. I found receipts for library hacking software and a modem specifically designed for library database infiltration. I should return this information to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was quite pleased when I presented the evidence of [Sim 2]'s crime. Case closed, assuming [Sim 1] knows what to do with the evidence. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Aloof Academic A local "wunderkind" has gone missing. Strange how folks with such big brains cannot find their way home. [Sim 1] has hired me to find this brainiac. I should start my investigation by speaking with [Sim 1]. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] last saw [Sim 2] at the beach, doing some sort of investigation regarding aquatic life. That beach is my ticket to a clue in this case. I should head there and snoop around. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at Beach I wasn't able to find definitive evidence, though I did find an old report card with the missing Sim's name on it. Who takes Aquatic Biology in high school? The next step in my investigation is the local school. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About the Missing Sim" at School The school has heard of this missing Sim. Apparently, this Sim had perfect grades with the exception of Aquatic Biology. It's been hounding this Sim ever since graduation. The school administrators seem to think this missing Sim can be found running aquatic experiments at the science lab. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Look for the Missing Sim" at Science Facility I was able to find the missing Sim knee deep in a de-fanged pirhana pen running experiments on their toothless life expectancy. Apparently, the Sim believes this latest thesis will make up for that bad grade. I should tell [Sim 1] where this underwater wiz can be found. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] I thought [Sim 1] was going to strangle me out of frustration when I told my story. This Aquatic Biology grade has apparently been a sore spot for some time. I'll just take my pay and swim away to safer waters. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Rumor Mill People these days. Always worried about what so and so said about them. [Sim 1] is hiring me to quash a rumor that's floating around. I should interview [Sim 1] first for details. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] Apparently, [Sim 2] referred to [Sim 1] as a "llama brained gnome herder." Seems honorary to me, but [Sim 1] claims it's highly insulting. I'm being paid to dispel the rumor amongst several locals. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dispel Rumor" to [x] Sims Now that the rumors have been dispelled I should report back to [Sim 1], gather my payment, and close this case. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] breathed a sigh of relief when I told the news. Hopefully, everyone can put this llama brained stuff behind them. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Relationship With [Sim 1] The Mystery of the Stolen Credit Card People are too tied to credit cards these days. I try not to use them, personally, but my client, [Sim 1], just lost a wallet full of them. I should interview [Sim 1] to get the facts on this case. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] has been on a spending spree lately, so the cards could be anywhere. Fortunately, [Sim 1] seems to think the cards were last used at the gym. I should snoop for clues there first. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the Gym I found a few of the cards, but not all of them. The case must go on. [Sim 1] seems like a pretty big shopper – I imagine some of the locals have witnessed these cards in action. I should ask [x] locals about the cards. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Cards" to [x] Sims [Sim 2] is the sly, shady sort. I'm bothered by jokers stealing other folks' credit cards. I either need to get close to [Sim 2] and be convincing enough to get the cards, or just settle for a bribe. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Convince" [Sim 2] to give up cards [Sim 2] seems like a con-artist, but I'm not being paid to investigate [Sim 2]'s dealings. Maybe in the future. For now, I need to return the credit cards to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Cards" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] may need shopaholic counseling. The second I returned the cards [Sim 1]'s eyes lit up like a coyote stumbling across a wounded deer. Madness. This case is closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Relationship With [Sim 1] A Spook Story It seems the rather eccentric proprietor of the local mausoleum has a problem with the graveyard. I'm dying to discover what this case entails. I should visit the graveyard and pay a visit to the mausoleum. Goal: "Discuss Graveside Problems" at the Mausoleum Urns and gravestones have been disappearing from the graveyard and the grave digger has no idea what's happening. I mentioned that the dead were obviously dying to get out but he didn't find that funny. I should snoop for clues around the crime scene. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the Graveyard How disgustingly odd. There's goo all over the place. Frankly, I've never seen anything like it. I should head to the science facility to analyze this. I'm dying to find out what it is. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Mystery Goo" at the Science Facility Incredible! The science geeks claim this disgusting goo is ectoplasm – a substance found only on ghosts. It seems the dead are restless. I should conduct a stakeout at the graveyard to see if the scene is truly dead. Gulp. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at the Graveyard Those two characters were certainly shady, but not quite the transparent shade of a ghost. One of them dropped a shopping list with corn starch and food coloring. I should search the Sim's garbage for additional clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 1]'s Garbage Can for Clues The trash can was topped off with empty containers full of corn starch and food coloring – the ingredients for synthetic ectoplasm! It's all a fake. The culprit is trying to pin this on the dead and failing. I should have known – dead Sims tell no false tales. I should confront the culprit to end this. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront" [Sim 1] The culprit fell apart like ashes scattered to the wind. Apparently, [Sim 1] has been stealing gravestones and urns in hopes of finding a long lost love…in ghost form. [Sim 1] agreed to return the stolen property. I should relay this to the grave digger at the mausoleum. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" at the Mausoleum The grave digger was shocked, but ultimately not too bewildered. It seems folks see a lot of odd things in the grave digging industry. I'm sufficiently creeped out to take my payment and walk away. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Wayward Jalopy Got a call from some gent about a missing car. Something about it being special to him…a gift from his father. I figure I should ask the client about potential suspects. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] Apparently the client's father had ties with the local crime syndicate that are shadier than an apple orchard. I knew the next stop was to pay [Sim 2] a visit to ask about the wayward auto. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Missing Car" with [Sim 2] It turns out this fellow is slick. My questions bounced off like a smooth pebble hitting a glassy lake. I did find out something fishy was going down at the beach, and I don't mean the recent jellyfish haul. I figure it couldn't hurt to snoop around the beach for clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the Beach Community Lot Tire marks have always been distinctive, especially when you've seen as many as I have. I'm willing to bet a buffalo nickel these match those of my client's missing car. It will only take a minute or so at the police station to confirm these prints against those in the database. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Tire Marks" at the local Police Station Sometimes I hate being proved right, though this isn't one of those times. The prints match, which means my client's car was at the beach. I think a stakeout at the beach would help the case and get me some much needed sun. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at the Beach Community Lot Why would the consignment shop owner, [Sim 3], be at the beach conducting shady deals? Because the shop is the perfect means by which to sell said ill-gotten wheels! The puzzle pieces are jamming into place. I think I'll pay [Sim 3] a mostly friendly visit. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront" [Sim 3] The shop owner crumbled like a two-day old crumb cake. He's been selling car parts in the back room of the store – our town's very own chop shop. He handed me what's left of the car and his dignity as well as a refund. I should give the client the refund to finish the case. Reward: Job Experience, 5 pieces of scrap Goal: "Return Money" to [Sim 1] The Case of the Wayward Jalopy rolls to a finish. The client is sad to see that his beloved car went the way of Jimmy Two-Toes, but at least he got enough from the refund to buy a new, reliable auto. Here's hoping the local chop shopping is over, but who knows? Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Enthusiastic Fans [Sim 1] is a local musician with fan troubles. Apparently there are stalkers about that are interested in more than treble clefs. Ha! I should check in with [Sim 1] to find out how I can help. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is convinced there are stalkers everywhere. I look over my shoulder and don't see anything, but hey, musicians can be dramatic at times. I should conduct a stakeout at the local theatre to see if any unwanted groupies gather. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at local theatre There's nothing going on around the theatre – perhaps I'm not being subtle enough? I bet these stalkers were clumsy enough to leave behind evidence at the park, which is the site of [Sim 1]'s last show. I should snoop for clues in the park. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at main park Ick! Disgusting! I found a guitar pick that's covered in Sim saliva. Slobbering on musical gear seems like something a stalker would do. I should analyze the saliva at the police station to see if it matches any known criminals. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Saliva" at police station The saliva doesn't match any of the records on file, which means our stalker isn't a criminal. At least, not a criminal that has been caught. I should retrace my steps, because maybe I'll find a matching sample along the way. I should start by searching through the trash at [Sim 1]'s home. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 1]'s Garbage Can for Clues I found a piece of food. It's quite icky and nasty, but it may have the saliva I'm looking for. I should analyze this food at the police station. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Saliva" at police station Strangely enough, the saliva on the food matches the saliva on the pick. Even stranger, the saliva comes from none other than [Sim 1]! Could [Sim 1] be…self-stalking? I should hack [Sim 1]'s website to see if I can find some clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Use a computer to "Hack" [Sim 1]'s computer There are a ton of posts from rabid fans, but each post and each user ID is tied to the same IP address – [Sim 1]'s. I think [Sim 1] may be a slight lunatic, or perhaps there are split personalities at play here. I should discuss this with [Sim 2], a local doctor. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Split Personalities" with [Sim 2] [Sim 2] claims [Sim 1] is a textbook case of split personalities. Poor [Sim 1] is having to write music and contend with more than one mind. I should report in and explain the situation to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was of course relieved to find out there weren't any stalkers, but I could see the internal conflict brewing when [Sim 1] found out the stalkers were all in the head. I'm not sure what's worse – being stalked, or being one's own worst enemy. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Sonaflux Guitar The Bad Call Local athlete [Sim 1] is bitter about a call during a recent game. [Sim 1] wants to hire me to right this wrong. I should check in with the client to see how I can help. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] thinks the foul call during the last game was entirely bogus. [Sim 1] claims the call was more bogus than a unicorn, but nobody will investigate the call. I should start by watching the instant replay at the stadium. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Watch Instant Replay" at the Stadium I'm no sports expert, but that call was awful. I haven't seen a call that bad since that fisherman called that killer shark nothing but a minnow. That was brutal. I should ask around to find out who the ref was. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Referee" to [x] Sims It seems nobody cares much for the referee, who I now know to be [Sim 2]. I should head to [Sim 2]'s home and dig through the garbage a bit to see what sort of trash this character is throwing away. It may hold a clue. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Search Through Garbage" at [Sim 2]'s Home I found a rather cryptic note crumpled up in the trash. It said something about a meet up at the park…soon. I better get there quickly and conduct a stakeout! Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at Park I saw the referee chatting with the owner of the rival sports team. That's foul play if I've ever seen it! I should confront [Sim 2] to point out the bad play that's going down. This needs to stop. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront" [Sim 2] [Sim 2] crumbled like a week-old coffee cake that's been stuck under the seat at the stadium. He admitted to accepting a bribe in exchange for the bad call. I expect a resignation in the future, which should mean better games for [Sim 1]. Speaking of which, I should tell [Sim 1] the good news. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is still bitter about the call, but I think the games and the league will be much better with a return to good referees. I accepted payment and bid farewell. This case, like the game, is over. Reward: Job Experience, §500 Someone's Fishy [Sim 1] is having an issue with some missing apples. Seems pretty ordinary, but knowing this town, it's anything but. Better go see what's up. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] Seems [Sim 1] had saved a bunch of fresh apples to use as bait on a fishing trip. Problem is, the fruit seems to have made itself scarce. Unless those apples grew legs, I'm thinking someone took them. I better dust for prints and see what I can find. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dust for Prints" at [Sim 1]'s Home Now this just keeps getting weirder. I found some… fin marks… leading to the trash can outside. Better do some rummaging. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 1]'s Garbage Can for Clues Here's something… I found a bunch of apple cores in [Sim 1]'s garbage can. They have some strange bite marks on them… nothing I've ever seen. I should bring a sample to the science lab. Maybe they can make sense of this. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze DNA" at local science facility The DNA on the apples was tested. The results… bizarre to say the least. Only 72% of the DNA was human. Stranger still was the creepy lab tech who was spying on me at the lab. I better ask around town to see if anyone knows who this scientist is. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Technician" to [x] Sims Seems someone saw the lab tech sneaking around [Sim 2]'s house at night. Might have even snatched his lawn gnome. Sounds like a shady character in general. Maybe I can catch him there again. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at [Sim 2]'s Home Lot This one's sneaky. I caught a glimpse of him and heard the trash can rattle but couldn't catch 'em in the act. I should see if there's anything in the garbage. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 2]'s Garbage Can for Clues Well, I found the missing gnome, and it was hot to the touch. Seems our friend not only stole the gnome, but did some experimenting on it. The tech wasn't too careful though and I got some prints off of it. Better take these to the police station to get analyzed. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Prints" at the local Police Station Got a name. [Sim 3]. Turns out [Sim 3] has been working at the science lab for a while now. I should go snoop for clues around [Sim 3]'s house. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at [Sim 3]'s home lot Well looky here. [Sim 3]'s journal. Must've dropped it on the way to work. This is the break I need. I should head home and read through this journal. Reward: Job Experience, Adventure Journal Goal: Read [Sim 3]'s Journal This is unbelieveable. The lab technician had been doing research on goldfish… trying to turn them into real gold. Then, on "Take You [sic] Child To Work Day", their kid ran in front of the FishAlchemy ray to try to save the goldfish. Poor kid… the ray transformed him into something… inhuman. He disappeared one day leaving only a pile of apple cores on the kitchen table… Wait… what's this? Says the kid became obsessed with water. Maybe I should check out the pool. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the pool Looks like I'm too late. Found a note… says "Fish Kid was here". Probably escaped into the water drainage system. Maybe one day I'll catch the kid but today is not that day. I better get back to [Sim 1] to explain what I found. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] can hardly believe it. Honestly, I can hardly believe it myself. Strange happenings in a strange town. Well, you can't win 'em all. This'll have to be the one that got away. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Investigator's Ribbon of Bravery The Case of the Culinary Backstab This should be an interesting case. My client, [Sim 1], wants me to help blackmail the boss at the bistro in hopes of getting a promotion. It's a bit shady, but it pays the bills. I need to find out from [Sim 1] what information is desired. Goal: "Ask About Desired Information" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] doesn't have any specific dirt, which means I need to gather some. The bistro is popular, which means everyone has been there. I should ask around town to find out what people know about the restaurant and the boss. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Bistro" to [x] Sims It seems like more than a few people have negative things to say about the health record of the bistro. I don't like being a guinea pig, but I think I need to sample the food myself. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Eat at the Bistro Holy smokes! The food was good going down, but I'm not so sure it's going to be as pleasant on the way out. At first this was business, but now that I have food poisoning, it's personal! I need to speak to [Sim 2], a local farmer. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask to Search for Evidence" to [Sim 2] [Sim 2] is a good sort. I've been given permission to snoop for clues on the premises to see if there are any traces of chemicals or foul play. Oh, if my stomach wasn't doing flips this would be easier! Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at [Sim 2]'s Home All of the plants are perfect as morning rain. There's nothing odd afoot. The food at the bistro is clearly tainted, but the supplier isn't. What if [Sim 1] isn't being honest about this business? I should dust for incriminating prints at [Sim 1]'s home. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dust for Prints" at [Sim 1]'s Home Why that no good, lousy, swindler of a cook! This house is full of common, harmful, but non-lethal chemicals.The client has set up [Sim 3] to fall in order to get a promotion! I should tell [Sim 3] that it's a setup. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Warn!" [Sim 3] [Sim 3] is furious to hear about the double-cross and how my client treated the bistro's customers, including me, with food poisoning. [Sim 3] guarantees that vengeance will be had and all will be set straight. In the meantime, [Sim 3] made caloric filled amends with a delicious plate of chow [sic] . Case closed, if you ask me. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Stove: Festus 44 The Case of the Hacker Elite [Sim 1] wants to hire me to do some cyber warfare. Ideally this will be a big case involving data theft and piracy, though I'm sure it's just a forum quibble I need to settle. I should interview [Sim 1] for the details. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] Some days I hate my job. [Sim 1] is worried that [Sim 2] has been saying mean things about him on a forum both of them frequent. It's my job to hack into [Sim 2]'s computer to set things straight. Ugh. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Use a computer to "Hack" into [Sim 2]'s Computer I'm not proud of myself, but I went online and called [Sim 2] a "noopen poopen," which is apparently something really mean in some online circles. I should tell [Sim 1] the job is done. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] gasped when I mentioned I used the term "noopen poopen." Apparently I used a little too much force in this forum skirmish. Nonetheless, [Sim 1] is pleased and I got paid. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the One Bad Apple The owner of the local supermarket's got a big problem that he needs my help with. Somebody is stealing boxes of fresh fruit every morning. Shame – I like apples. I should interview the owner at the supermarket to start my investigation. Goal: "Interview Owner" at the local supermarket The owner is never at the store in the mornings, so he's absolutely befuddled as to who could be the culprit. The morning clerk, [Sim 1], may have the answers I need. The two of us should chat. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is pretty sure the culprit was wearing a uniform commonly worn by thugs of the local crime syndicate. [Sim 2] is known to be involved with the syndicate. I should question [Sim 2], or get ready to dole out a bribe to get the answers I need. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Question" [Sim 2] You know things are bad when criminals are being had by other criminals. According to this crook there was a hit supposed to go down on the box of fruits…but somebody else got there first. This one's got nothing to offer me, so I should ask around town for information. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Gather Information" from [x] Sims It appears nobody minds the tragic lack of fruit at the supermarket, mostly due to a new presence on the local fruit scene. Why is it that [Sim 3] has such good prices? I've got questions for this purveyor of apples. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Question" [Sim 3] [Sim 3] admits to buying fruit off the local black market, but refuses to admit to theft. [Sim 3] pointed a big hairy finger at the clerk, [Sim 1]. An inside job! I should search through [Sim 1]'s trash to find evidence of this transaction before I close this case. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 1]'s Garbage Can for Clues Jackpot! I found the remnants of a tattered fruit box stolen from the supermarket, as well as the deposit slip for a fat check that far exceeds [Sim 1]'s salary. I should report my findings to the owner of the supermarket. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to local supermarket The owner was quick to note the age old saying – look how one bad apple can ruin the bunch. It saddens me to see corruption from within, but I'm sure the store will be fine after this apple is de-wormed. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 Ballot Buffoonery [Sim 1] thinks there was a bit of fraud during the last election…just enough to keep [Sim 1] from winning the election. My first stop on this case should be [Sim 1] to ask questions. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] lost in a record landslide vote, which makes me think [Sim 1] is just a sore loser. But, I'm being paid to check for fraud. I should ask around town to see what the locals thought about the election. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Election" to [x] Sims It seems like everyone in town absolutely loved [Sim 1] as a candidate. Something seems fishy here, especially with the landslide vote. It should have at least been close. I should check the voter rolls at City Hall. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Check Voter Rolls" at City Hall Odd…I don't recognize most of the names on this list. Of course, all of these mystery names voted for [Sim 1]'s opponent…the victor. I have seen one of these names before – in an obituary. I should snoop for clues at the graveyard. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at Graveyard Half the voters on the rolls are located in the cemetary. Last time I checked, the dead don't get a say in elections. Unless the local government has approved a law for absentee death voting, I think I've solved this case. I should report to [Sim 1]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] now has the evidence to contest the election. I'm sure the newspapers will have a field day with this scandal. I'm glad I did my part for local democracy. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Cop Gone Rogue Cops often chafe against the bureaucracy, which is why I work solo. [Sim 1], a local cop, is chafing at this very moment and needs my help. I should check in to see how I can be of service. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] [Sim 1] has hit a dead end with a case involving corruption or some sort at city hall. I hate to see my tax dollars go to waste, so I took the case. [Sim 1] lost scent of the trail around the park. I think I should do a stakeout in the park to pick up the trail. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at the Park I think I caught a big whiff of the trail when I saw two skeevy individuals making a deal at the park. I bet there's more evidence to be found here at this park. I should look for clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Search for Clues" at the Park I was able to find some footprints, which may help me narrow down the culprits. I should show these prints to [Sim 1], who may know how best to use these clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Footprints" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] would typically run these prints past the database at the police station, but the chief would catch wind and shut down our investigation. However, the prints look rather unique. [Sim 1] suggests I ask [x] Sims around town if they have seen these shoes. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Shoes" with [x] Sims Nobody knew anything about the shoes, though I received several recommendations to speak to [Sim 2], the stylist. I should speak to [Sim 2] to get the skinny on these footprints. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Shoes" with [Sim 2] I got all the information I need about the shoes. [Sim 3] is the only person in town who wears a pair of shoes that would make prints like these. It's time to have a friendly chat with [Sim 3]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront About Shoes" to [Sim 3] I'm a bit uncomfortable with what I found out. It seems I'm getting answers that only lead to deeper holes. It turns out the lackey with the shoes was only a pawn in whatever is happening, but I did obtain the name of a crooked, well-known politician: [Sim 4]. I should inspect [Sim 4]'s mail for clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Inspect Mail" on [Sim 4]'s Mailbox I found the piece that's been missing from this case – the decisive piece. I was able to uncover a letter from a well known mob boss addressed to [Sim 4], the politician. I should report my findings to [Sim 1]. This is the break the case needed. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report Findings" to [Sim 1] The client snatched the letter out of my hands like a dog who has been starving for days. This is the key to the case, the piece the client needs to finish the job. There's only one thing left to do. Go to City Hall and make sure our crooked politician is there and then, call in the cops. Time to end this. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Call the Cops" at City Hall The evidence was finally enough to get a warrant and bring this crook to justice. The client was finally redeemed and received a full promotion for solving the case. I can't say whether I had anything to do with that… just doing my job. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Medal of The Mindful The Case of the Fishermen's Local 105 The Fishermen's Union, Local 105, is worried about somebody or some thing catching all of their fish. I should check in with [Sim 1], the head of the union. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is convinced the fish aren't biting like they used to. There just aren't as many of them in the ocean. I think I should fish for a bit around town, maybe just a few hours, to see if I can figure out what [Sim 1] is talking about. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Fish for [x] Hours (usually 4, must be at a time) [Sim 1] wasn't lying! The fish seem awfully shy for this time of year. Something is afoot and I intend to find out why. I should conduct a stakeout at the beach. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at the local beach My stakeout at the beach didn't reveal anything shadier than a palm frond resting lazily over a hammock. Perhaps I may find something a bit more skeevy if I conduct a stakeout at a remote fishing pond? Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" at fishing pond Again, nothing too suspicious. Nothing is happening at the fishing spots, which is odd, as that is where the crime is occurring. I overheard a fisherman claim the diner has a great fish sandwich. It's a bit of a stretch, but perhaps a stakeout there will render the results I need. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" outside local diner Finally! I was worried I lost my ability to encounter shady individuals on a consistent basis. I saw two Sims exchanging information – one of whom was [Sim 2], a local journalist. I should confront the journalist to find out what [Sim 1] [sic] can tell me. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront About Suspicious Activity" to [Sim 2] [Sim 2] won't say anything. Figures. Guilty folks never speak up. I should do a little questioning with the locals to find out what I can about [Sim 2]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About [Sim 2]" to [y] Sims According to the locals, [Sim 2] clearly has an obsession with sharks and hasn't been doing well at work. That's a recipe for…well, something. I should confront [Sim 2] about this odd behavior. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Discuss Shark Costume" to [Sim 2] [Sim 2] folded like a flan in a cupboard. [Sim 2] has been dressing up like a shark to scare the fish away. This was done in the hopes of writing a front page news story about rampant sharks off the coast. Bizarre! [Sim 2] agrees to discontinue the "sharking" as long as I keep quiet. I will. Nobody would believe me. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] I explained to [Sim 1] that there have been shark sightings off the coast recently, but that they should be migrating away shortly. [Sim 1] thinks I consulted with local scientists. I think that's a tale I'll let stand for now. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500, Increased Fishing Skill The Case of the Disappearing Auto A client just called about a missing car. It's a shame folks don't respect property rights, but really, people will be people. I should check with the client, [Sim 1], to see if there are any likely suspects. Goal: "Ask About Potential Suspects" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is absolutely dumbfounded as to the whereabouts of the car. It seemed to just disappear out of thin air. I should dust around [Sim 1]'s lot to find clues. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dust for Prints" at [Sim 1]'s Home I found some odd prints, but nothing conclusive at [Sim 1]'s home. I hate it when forensics fail me. I should check the trash at [Sim 1]'s place to see if anything turns up. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Search [Sim 1]'s Garbage Can for Clues Finally, a solid clue! A slick pair of racing gloves that are covered in prints. I bet the police database at the local station will help me identify the criminal. This case is as good as solved! Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Analyze Prints" at local police station The gloves apparently belong to famous getaway driver [Sim 2]. I would say [Sim 2] has been caught red-handed, except that hand was gloved. Ha! I should confront [Sim 2] about the glove. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront" [Sim 2] about Racing Gloves [Sim 2] is playing coy with me. [Sim 2] claims to know something, but wants a bribe first. Lousy criminals never know when to give up. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Bribe" [Sim 2] for Information The Sim spilled the beans faster than a chef who cuts open a can of beans and dumps them. The local crime syndicate has a new car theft operation. Cars are stolen, then the parts are sold to local race car drivers. The Sim said a race was about to occur at the local stadium…I should get there. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Attend Race" at local Sports Stadium It didn't take long for me to spot my client's car being driven by [Sim 3]. After all, if you miss the car the first time they come back around in a loop about fifty more times. I should ask [Sim 3] how the car was obtained. Reward: Job Experience, Moodlet Saw Great Game Goal: "Ask How Car was Obtained" to [Sim 3] The driver is horribly ashamed of being involved in the car theft operation. I took the car keys so that I can return it to my client. I also learned the name of the low-level business crony orchestrating the operation. First things first – I need to return the car. Reward: Job Experience, Moodlet New Car Smell Goal: "Return Car" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was delighted to have the car back, but I'm not satisfied with my work thus far. A local business person is orchestrating a city-wide car theft ring and I intend to bring it down, hard. I should conduct a stakeout outside the local business office. Reward: Job Experience, §500 Goal: "Conduct Stakeout" outside local Business Office Just as I suspected, [Sim 4] appeared and conducted some shady business deal right outside the business office. I'm going to cook [Sim 4]'s goose! I should tell the police about this crime ring so that we can take it down. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report to Police" at local Police Station The police were glad I told them about the car theft ring and they want me to give the signal when [Sim 4] is at work at the business office. All I need to do is wait until regular business hours, go inside the office and confirm [Sim 4]'s presence and the cavalry will arrive. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confirm Criminal's Presence" at local Business Office while [Sim 4] is at work [Sim 4] was taken to jail and the cops paid me a handsome fee for my detective work. Being a good sleuth pays in dividends, especially when you can out think criminals as fast as I can. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Tattooed Thief A local's home has been burgled. Obviously, I've been called to solve the issue. I should meet with the client and ask a few questions to begin the investigation. Goal: "Interview" [Sim 1] I hate cases that begin this way. The burglary happened at night and the client didn't see a thing. Hopefully this neighborhood is full of nosy neighbors – I should ask around to see if somebody saw something. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Burglary" to [x] Sims Several locals saw a suspicious person creeping around the house. Everyone seemed to think the suspect had a tattoo as well. The obvious thing to do now is follow the ink. I should ask the tattoo artist if anyone has a tattoo like the one described. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask About Thief" to [Sim 2] The tattoo artist doesn't want to talk. I know for a fact there isn't a patient-client privacy clause for tattoo artists. I should snoop around to find a clue that will get me the information I need. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at the Salon Aha! I found a receipt for a bulk order of temporary tattoos. It seems the tattoo artist has been selling clients fake tattoos. This seems like the perfect information for black mailing the tattoo artist. The two of us should chat. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Threaten with Receipt" to [Sim 2] As expected the tattoo artist caved instantly. I was given the name of someone that had an arm tattoo removal procedure quite recently. That sounds like my subject. It's time to catch the culprit! Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront" [Sim 3] The culprit is amazed I was able to follow the threadbare trail of clues to solve the case. Frankly, I am too. I convinced the criminal to return the property in exchange for not calling the cops. I'm feeling merciful today. I should report back to my client. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] is delighted to see the items returned, though there was a bit of awkwardness when I wouldn't reveal the name of the thief. No matter. I took my payment and left. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500 The Case of the Freshwater Pumps One of the neighborhood stylists has a beef that I need to solve for her. [Sim 1] is convinced a pair of her prized designer shoes were stolen when she was last at the day spa. I should check in with her to start this case. Goal: "Report In" to [Sim 1] Apparently, the shoes were stolen while [Sim 1] was in the middle of a therapeutic mud bath. She suspects a rival, [Sim 2], stole the shoes. I should check with [Sim 2] first then. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Ask to Investigate" to [Sim 2] [Sim 2] claims to have nothing to hide and warmly invited me to dust for prints. I think I will – dusting for clues is one of the things I do best. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Dust for Prints" in [Sim 2]'s Home I found a set of prints on the property that are all over the house – but they don't belong to [Sim 1]. I also noticed, or should I say was assaulted, by the overpowering stench of fish. Something fishy is afoot! I should snoop for clues at a fairly public, centralized fishing spot. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Snoop for Clues" at a centralized, very public fishing spot It seems I found the shoes, or at least prints left by the shoes. Someone came to this spot to fish while wearing heels. That just doesn't seem comfortable! I should hack into the spa's client database to see if any of the recurring clients are fishermen. Reward: Job Experience Goal: Use a computer to "Hack" the Spa's Client Database Hook, line, and sinker! I have narrowed it down to two…men? That's quite strange, but hey, I don't pick the suspects. I should speak to the first one, [Sim 3], about the missing shoes. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront About Shoes" to [Sim 3] You think a man would come clean when being confronted about stealing a lady's shoes. Nope. [Sim 3] won't say a word, but perhaps a bribe of a few Simoleons will loosen his lips. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Bribe" [Sim 3] He took the bribe like a baby being offered a lollipop. Sucker. The fisherman admits to loving a pair of sensible heels, but claims he wasn't the one who took the shoes. The two huge skis he calls feet prove that the shoes wouldn't fit him anyways. I should confront the second suspect, [Sim 4]. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Confront About Shoes" to [Sim 4] [Sim 4] spilled the beans. He took the shoes and is more ashamed than I care to admit. At least he loved the shoes, though I'm not sure how that helps. Regardless, I have them now and can return them to [Sim 1] to conclude this case. Reward: Job Experience Goal: "Return Shoes" to [Sim 1] [Sim 1] was delighted to see the return of her beloved shoes, but was a bit horrified to encounter the smell. Raw fish don't mix well with designer heels, apparently. Luckily I'm not in the shoe cleaning business. I took my fee and called it a day. Case closed. Reward: Job Experience, §500