| - Can you make a Player city catogory please? -- Denizz| Edit: Thank you! :) Done! :)--Webmaster 20:32, 24 Nov 2004 (CET) I've got an idea. How about we post a priotized category to edit, that way we can focus the community on two or three areas. I suppose a message could be placed on the front page listing priotity areas that are in need of improvement. Just an idea. That's a fair idea. I think we should also come up with a "site templates" page with examples of pages everyone should mimic for most (if not all) categories: professions, skills, abilities, schematics, items, planets, cities, POIs, etc. I've been thinking about such a page for a while, and I think I'll take responsibility for it. --InfluenzaSWTA 23:54, 1 Dec 2004 (CET) Yes, that templates are definitely a priority, as a matter of fact, I'll do that right now. --User:Blaiseball 18:12, 1 Dec 2004 OK, I've finished a few templates. Need to take off for now; feel free to finish the rest on SWG Wiki:Site Templates, using the existing ones as examples. --InfluenzaSWTA 01:26, 2 Dec 2004 (CET) I like the idea of a "priorities" page. Maybe point the way for some users who may wonder just what out of the thousands of things possible they should focus thier efforts on. (: --:1019 00:01, 2 Dec 2004 (CET) Oh yeah, I forgot, I have tons of space on my PC, which I always leave on. I could easily donate 50GBs of space to pictures if it would help. Just give the word.