| - The Lecture Lady is an animated character who appears regularly on the "Elmo's World" segments of Sesame Street. The character appears on Elmo's TV, supplying a lecture on whatever the day's topic is. Her actual name/title varies according to the topic, i.e. "The Bird Lady," "The Bike Lady," etc. The Lecture Lady also presented some stories too like in Transportation. In her earliest appearances, the character resembled voice actress Andrea Martin's Edith Prickley character from SCTV. The Lecture Lady was later redesigned, with a rounder, friendlier face and longer hair (Though most often orange, her hair color would occasionally be gray). Her first physical appearance was in Dancing, and her first appearance in her redesigned form was in Exercise. Her last appearance was in Building Things, from Season 37. Image:Ewdance-cartoon.jpg|The Dance Lady Image:Ewsing-cartoon.jpg|The Sing Lady Image:Ewdogs-cartoon.jpg|The Dog Lady Image:Ewexercise-cartoon.jpg|The Exercise Lady Image:Ewbabies-cartoon.jpg|The Baby Lady Image:Ewbanana-cartoon.jpg|The Banana Lady Image:Ewflowers-cartoon.jpg|The Tree Lady Image:Ewbugs-cartoon.jpg|The Bug Lady Image:Ewpets-cartoon.jpg|The Pet Lady Image:ElmosWorldHands09.jpg|Handy Mandy Image:Ewbirds-cartoon.jpg|The Bird Lady Image:Ewbike-catoon.jpg|The Bike Lady Image:Ewweather-cartoon.jpg|The Weather Lady Image:Ewdressed-cartoon.jpg|The Getting Dressed Lady Image:Ewwildanimals-cartoon.jpg|The Wild Animal Lady Image:Ewopen-cartoon.jpg|The Open and Close Lady Image:Ewdino-cartoon.jpg|Bones Martin Image:Ewjump-cartoon.jpg|The Jumping Lady Image:ewfriends-cartoon.jpg|The Friend Lady Image:Ewdoctors-cartoon.jpg|'Doc' Martin Image:Ewbuild-cartoon.jpg|Construction Lady Image:Ewdrum-cartoon.jpg|The Drum Lady Image:Ewupdown-cartoon.jpg| The Up and Down Lady