| - The League of Super Evil Villains is a group of small-time crooks and villains, most of whom were minor baddies in the original run, athough not every one of them is a member. Unfortunately for them, no one takes them too seriously. Having failed in all their individual schemes, they first formed together to hatch a 'master plan', which first involved amassing all the wealth of the Metropolis Zone by robbing the bank. Their ultimate aim was to become wealthier and more powerful than Dr Robotnik had been. Unfortunately, they weren't particularly well-organised, nor did they work well together, constantly bickering and arguing. Their efforts were ultimately foiled by their own ineptness, and Sonic the Hedgehog and the police. Given his opponents, Sonic saw no need to rush in on this occasion. They have since returned, with a change in leadership, trying to find a way to deal with Captain Blue and his group of vigilantes by hiring an assassin, in the form of Fockewulf de Shrike. However, they seem to be unaware that they are being manipulated by Blue's superior, Mr Gold. Following their failure, they appeared to disband, with only Windy Wallis and Doctor Genius staying together. They were cornered in Metropolis City University and defended themselves with a weather machine and Badniks. However, they were caught by Tails and Amy Rose and arrested, before later being freed by Gold himself.