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- Team Deathmatch is one of the game modes in CrossFire and the basic Team mode. BL and GR fight against each other in various battlefields, and it's up to the players to work together to bring victory to their team.
- Team Deathmatch is a game mode in Fat Princess. Whichever team reduces the opposing team's lives to zero wins. Each opposing player killed loses the enemy one life. File:Mode team deathmatch.png
- Like Deathmatch, the goal is to kill other players, but now players are in teams. Players can also pick up money from deceased players. The team with the most money at the end of the match wins. There must be at least 3 players in the match ON at least 2 SEPARATE TEAMS, and no more than 16 total players on 8 teams.
- Team Deathmatch, TDM or Team DM in short, refers the Game Modes 2 Teams and 4 Teams in Diep.io. These Game Modes once were together as a single Game Mode known as Team DM, having some servers with 2 Teams and some with 4; they were later split into two separate Game Modes. In both of these Game Modes, players work in either two or four teams rather than all fighting against each other as in FFA. These Game Modes have regular EXP gain.
- Team Deathmatch or TDM, is perhaps the most common and basic multiplayer mode. It features two teams fighting to reach a kill limit in the quickest time. Team Deathmatches can have a minimum of 10 players and maximum of 60 players in ranked play in Resistance 2.
- Originally the Deathmatch playlist featured all deathmatch variations that appear in the game. This was changed by Naughty Dog on the 14th of October 2009 when the playlist was restricted to purely deathmatch only with no variations.
- Team Deathmatch is a gametype in Stargate Resistance. Each kill awards 4-6 points to their respective team, various Interactable Points around the map award 2 points each, first Faction to reach 160 points wins. (Stargate Resistance)
- Team Deathmatch is a game mode for the multiplayer gameplay of Lost Planet 3. Two teams of up to five players fight to get the most kills. The more shots you land and the more kills you get, the more credits you earn for yourself and your team.
- Team Deathmatch is typically only available during Ranking Tournaments in Ace Combat Infinity. Three modes of Team Deathmatch are available depending on the event.
- Players can join two teams: team Blue and team Red. Just like with all other team modes, a player cannot join a team if it has more players than the opposing team (except for parkour battles). The mode itself is very similar to the Deathmatch- only played in teams rather than playing alone. One team's goal is to kill as many tanks from the other team as possible. The team with the higher kills win. Player can't damage a member of his own team unless Friendly Fire is toggles in Pro Battles.
- Team Deathmatch is a playlist in World of War: Revenge. The objective is to reach 7500 points first, scoring 100 points for every kill.
- Team Deathmatch (TDM) - (ang. Drużynowy Deathmatch) - pionierski tryb gry w grach FPP, odmiana zespołowa klasycznego Deathmatch. Obecny od początku w serii Unreal.
- Like Original Team Deathmatch still covers the fight between the Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists. However, the main objective for this mode is to eliminate the opposing and the team that reaches the target kills wins the game. Players that were killed will respawn after 5 seconds and remains invincible for 3 seconds upon respawn.
- In TimeSplitters 1, Team Deathmatch did not exist as such; teams were instead an option that could be toggled on or off within standard Deathmatch mode. Modes
- Team Deathmatch is a gametype found in all games in the Unreal series, with the exception of Unreal II. The rules of Team Deathmatch are nearly identical to Deathmatch, with one exception: players fight against each other on teams. The two teams will then fight to reach the score limit.
- Team Deathmatch är en speltyp i Stargate Resistance. Varje döda utmärkelser 4-6 punkter till sina respektive lag, olika interactable Points runt på kartan utmärkelse 2 poäng vardera, första fraktion att nå 160 poäng vinner. (Stargate Resistance)
- Team Deathmatch (commonly abbreviated as TDM), also known as PEW PEW or Champion League (both as an April Fool's day joke), is a multiplayer game mode that appears in Call of Duty, Call of Duty 2, Call of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Call of Duty: World at War, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Call of Duty: Black Ops, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, Call of Duty Online, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered (all Call of Dutys ever). The aim of the game mode is to kill everyone on the opposing team, and the winner is the team that reaches a point limit, or if time runs out, has the most points. In Call of Duty 3, Team Deathmatch is cal
- Team Deathmatch is played in an enclosed arena usually surrounded by an 'out of bounds' area. The goal of the game mode is to acquire the amount of kills to match the score limit and thus win the game, the score limit is set by the server and can range from 50 points to well over 500. In Battlefield 3, the player kill system makes it impossible for a deathmatch game to end in a draw, in a game with a score limit of 100 the maximum score of both teams combined can not exceed 199. In Battlefield 4, the game mode only allows up to 20 players engage on other in a match as opposed to the normal 24.
- Team Deathmatch ist ein spezielles Ereignis, das nicht oft stattfindet. Dabei spielen auf einer eigenen Map zwei Mannschaften aus Spielern jeweils einer Firma gegeneinander. Ein Match dauert max. 4 Minuten. Gewinner ist das Team mit den meisten "Überlebenden". Diese bekommen eine Belohnung und spielen eine weitere Runde auf dieser Map gegen ein neues gegnerisches Team. Falls zur vollen Mannschaftsstärke nötig, werden Spieler aus der Warteschlange (s.u.) "nachgezogen". Wird man in einem TDM-Match zerstört, ist die Reparatur kostenlos.
- Two teams fight each other in order to win. The team that wins two rounds first will win the entire match. This is different from Warzone because each team have a set amount of lives. Once these lives are drained from the team, each player will get one more life each. Players can be revived when downed, however they can only be revived twice. On their 3rd "life", once they take too much damage, they die. If the time runs out, the team with the most remaining lives wins the round. This was implemented to stop rounds from being too long and easily leading to a stalemate, therefore prolonging the match.
- Team Deathmatch is a multiplayer game mode in Conduit 2. It is a part of the category of the same name. It is the most basic game rule of the team based game modes: Two teams, red and blue, fight for the highest amount of kills. The match can be won by either reaching the kill limit, or by having the most kills when the time ends. John Adams will announce events on the match and victory for the red team, while Andromeda will do it for the blue team.