| - County generally refers to one of the following:
- A County (sometimes labeled a Duchy, a County Palatine, or something similar) is a group of towns that are run by the same Council. As towns are distinguished by virtue of a common market, taverns, and a resource, a county is distinguished by a restricted market (the County Fair), a number of mines, and a general level of default jurisdiction for its courts.
- A county is a local level of government created as a subdivision of a state by the state government or territorial government as a subdivision of a territory. There are 83 counties in Michigan and these counties are further subdivided into townships and contain other independent, self-governing municipalities such as cities, villages or charter townships. The site of a county's administration and courts is called the county seat. The distribution of power between the state government, county governments, and municipal governments is defined in the constitution of Michigan.
- County ist das englische Wort für eine Grafschaft. In neuerer Zeit wird der Begriff auch für Verwaltungsbezirke verwendet, die keine adelige Führung besitzen. 2151 kommt die Brückencrew der Enterprise zu einer Frage-und-Antwort-Stunde zusammen, in der sie auf die Fragen von Schülern der Worley-Grundschule in Kenmare im County Kerry eingehen. (ENT: )
- A realm ruled by a Count.
* Normally a subdivision of a Kingdom.
* There are several independent counties - Mo Baustra and Vaantar
* Pavis County was ruled by a Duke.
- Hrabstwo – w państwie Franków od czasów Merowingów terytorialna jednostka administracyjna podległa hrabiemu (łac. comes , franc. comte , niem Graf). Początkowo hrabia sprawował władzę tylko militarną, jako lokalny dowódca i zwołujący pospolite ruszenie, później był także przedstawicielem króla lub cesarza w sprawach sądowych, skarbowych i administracyjnych. System podziału na hrabstwa przyjął się we wszystkich krajach podległych Świętemu Cesarstwu Rzymskiemu a także po podboju normandzkim w Anglii, Wielkiej Brytanii i innych krajach anglosaskich. Hrabstwa leżące na rubieżach cesarstwa pełniące szczególną rolę, zwłaszcza militarną, nazywane były marchiami, a ich zwierzchnik nosił tytuł margrabiego, t.j. hrabiego marchii, wyższy rangą od zwykłego hrabiego.
- The trouble with English counties... ... is mainly that they don't stay put. The county lines were redrawn in 1974 and again in 1996. New counties have been created. Various cities have become "unitary authorities", administratively not part of any county. For that matter, there appear to be three different sets of counties for three different purposes. See the Wikipedia articles on metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties, ceremonial counties, and traditional counties for further clarification ... or not. If England would just draw some county lines and damn well leave them there, life would be simpler.
- A county was a region of a country or state. In 1958, Jack took college boards and received the highest score of anybody in the entire county, yet was unable to afford higher education. Unbeknownst to his mother Maggie, T'Mir overheard her speaking about Jack's lack of funds and decided to help them out. (ENT: "Carbon Creek")
| - County generally refers to one of the following:
- Hrabstwo – w państwie Franków od czasów Merowingów terytorialna jednostka administracyjna podległa hrabiemu (łac. comes , franc. comte , niem Graf). Początkowo hrabia sprawował władzę tylko militarną, jako lokalny dowódca i zwołujący pospolite ruszenie, później był także przedstawicielem króla lub cesarza w sprawach sądowych, skarbowych i administracyjnych. System podziału na hrabstwa przyjął się we wszystkich krajach podległych Świętemu Cesarstwu Rzymskiemu a także po podboju normandzkim w Anglii, Wielkiej Brytanii i innych krajach anglosaskich. Hrabstwa leżące na rubieżach cesarstwa pełniące szczególną rolę, zwłaszcza militarną, nazywane były marchiami, a ich zwierzchnik nosił tytuł margrabiego, t.j. hrabiego marchii, wyższy rangą od zwykłego hrabiego. W okresie rozdrobnienia dzielnicowego wiele hrabstw a prawie wszystkie marchie cesarstwa uzyskały częściową lub pełną suwerenność. Od XV w. hrabstwem zaczęto nazywać także dobra posiadane przez hrabiego, niezależnie od dawnych podziałów administracyjnych. Podział terytorialny na hrabstwa przetrwał do dziś w krajach anglosaskich (ang county) i na Węgrzech (komitat - węg. megye). Obecnie nazwą hrabstwo określa się jednostkę podziału administracyjnego, najczęściej odpowiadającą polskiemu powiatowi, kilku państw, m.in.:
* Irlandii
* Wielkiej Brytanii
* Węgier
- A County (sometimes labeled a Duchy, a County Palatine, or something similar) is a group of towns that are run by the same Council. As towns are distinguished by virtue of a common market, taverns, and a resource, a county is distinguished by a restricted market (the County Fair), a number of mines, and a general level of default jurisdiction for its courts.
- The trouble with English counties... ... is mainly that they don't stay put. The county lines were redrawn in 1974 and again in 1996. New counties have been created. Various cities have become "unitary authorities", administratively not part of any county. For that matter, there appear to be three different sets of counties for three different purposes. See the Wikipedia articles on metropolitan and non-metropolitan counties, ceremonial counties, and traditional counties for further clarification ... or not. If England would just draw some county lines and damn well leave them there, life would be simpler. (Not that they don't redraw county boundaries in the US, too, but these seem to be more stable; anyway, these directories are organized by state in the US, and state boundaries are very much more stable.) For our purposes we group the English sides by county, taking as authorities various maps and information sources including the teams themselves. In some cases cities, such as Bristol, (Greater) London and (Greater) Manchester, are treated as "counties" for our purposes; other cities, though they may be "unitary authorities", are assigned to whatever county contains them geographically. Mostly it's a matter of consensus, and/or the wishes of the affected team. You may find one team listed under one division and another in the same town/city/whatever listed under a different division. (For instance, at this writing, one Croydon team is listed under Surrey and another under London.) Such a situation may be a result of a mistake, or it may be just the preference indicated by those teams. If your team is offended by where you're shown as being located, go ahead and move the entry to where you think it should belong.
- A county was a region of a country or state. In 1958, Jack took college boards and received the highest score of anybody in the entire county, yet was unable to afford higher education. Unbeknownst to his mother Maggie, T'Mir overheard her speaking about Jack's lack of funds and decided to help them out. (ENT: "Carbon Creek") In 2376, upon Michael Sullivan revealing that none of his friends in County Clare had heard of "Katie O'Clare", Katie reminded him that it was a big county. Later, Sullivan informed Harry Kim that Liam was looking for him, as Kim was "the only man in four counties to beat him at arm wrestling." (VOY: "Spirit Folk")
- A county is a local level of government created as a subdivision of a state by the state government or territorial government as a subdivision of a territory. There are 83 counties in Michigan and these counties are further subdivided into townships and contain other independent, self-governing municipalities such as cities, villages or charter townships. The site of a county's administration and courts is called the county seat. The distribution of power between the state government, county governments, and municipal governments is defined in the constitution of Michigan.
- County ist das englische Wort für eine Grafschaft. In neuerer Zeit wird der Begriff auch für Verwaltungsbezirke verwendet, die keine adelige Führung besitzen. 2151 kommt die Brückencrew der Enterprise zu einer Frage-und-Antwort-Stunde zusammen, in der sie auf die Fragen von Schülern der Worley-Grundschule in Kenmare im County Kerry eingehen. (ENT: )
- A realm ruled by a Count.
* Normally a subdivision of a Kingdom.
* There are several independent counties - Mo Baustra and Vaantar
* Pavis County was ruled by a Duke.