| - Final Combat is a Chinese class-based multiplayer First-Person Shooter still in development that draws quite a bit of inspiration from other FPSes. The official site is once again open to non-Chinese IPs, but you can also still read (most) of the news from this fansite. To avoid the Internet Backdraft, there will be no further description. This page is here to collect tropes, not fan the Flame War on either side of the debate.
* The Ace: The Striker.
* Ace Pilot: Available as an alternate skin for the Rocket.
* All There in the Manual: The official site has articles discussing information about the characters not available anywhere else.
* Almighty Janitor: In the original Fatman's backstory, he sold fish on the Gulf of Mexico before the Deep Horizon oil spill.
* Ax Crazy: The Rocket.
* Badass Army: Each side has one.
* Badass Boast/Catch Phrase: Every class has one--even the alternate skins have their own quotes.
* Badass Mustache: The Rocket leader has a rather Hitler-esque one in his class' promotional video.
* The Big Guy: The Fatman in all his incarnations.
* Brand X: The Fatman listens to a "Portable Dictator" in his promotional video and the Sniper uses a "SNIPER GUN" brand sniper rifle.
* Bribing Your Way to Victory: Upgrades (which expire after a certain amount of time) can be purchased with currency earned during the Boss Battle game mode (and, one presumes, with real world money).
* Cold Sniper: The Sniper. Her most recent alternate version even uses the term verbatim.
* Color-Coded Multiplayer: Red team versus Blue team, except in the character class introduction videos, where it's edited to look like there's quite a bit of team-killing going on.
* Cowboy Cop: Available as an alternate skin for the Sniper.
* Distaff Counterpart: One of the more obvious differences the game has over TF2 is that two of the classes are women: The Medical and the Sniper.
* The Fighting Narcissist: The Striker.
* Follow the Leader: This game is...uh...loosely inspired by Team Fortress 2 and Battlefield Heroes. Valve at least has considered legal action, as several weapon animations in Final Combat were originally directly taken from Team Fortress 2.
* Friend to All Children: The Fatman.
* Gentle Giant: The Fatman.
* Gratuitous English: All of the characters have (occasionally inaccurately translated) English names; the Sniper's rifle has "SNIPER GUN" taped to its side; and the Navy Seal version of the Striker wears a "SEAL" chestplate.
* Heterosexual Life Partners: The Striker, the Paratrooper, and the Navy Seal; the Rockstar and the Racer.
* Horny Devils: Available as an alternate skin for the Sniper.
* Incredibly Obvious Bomb: The bomb being planted in demolition mode is a bundle of dynamite; an alarm clock serves as the timer.
* Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha: The Boss Battle
* It's Raining Men: The Paratrooper version of the Striker.
* Sorry I Left the BGM On: In the Sniper's and the Fatman's promotional videos, the "background music" is actually being provided by a radio and a portable audiocassette player respectively.
* Le Parkour: Practiced by the Traceur version of the Striker.
* The Medic: The Medical.
* Mercy Invincibility: Everyone spawns with a few seconds worth.
* Monster Clown: The original Firebat.
* No Export for You: The game (so far) is available only in China unless you use a proxy server.
* Non Standard Character Design: The Medical has a much more Animesque design than the other classes.
* Office Lady: The original Sniper.
* Pirate: Available as an alternate skin for the Rocket.
* Playboy Bunny: Available as an alternate skin for the Sniper.
* The Rock Star: Available as an alternate skin for the Firebat.
* Scary Black Man: Available as an alternate skin for the Fatman.
* Soundtrack Dissonance: The Fatman enjoys classical opera while on the job, whether that be butchering fish or other people.
* Spy Catsuit: Available as an alternate skin for the Sniper. Also comes with free Absolute Cleavage.
* Whip It Good: Implied to be a hobby of the Succubus version of the Sniper.
* Zettai Ryouki: The Medical class has varying grades depending on which outfit she wears. (The default is knee-length.)